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Joseph G.
Joseph G.

Justified Gallery is pushing anchor on page load  en

Autore: Joseph G.
Visite 1347, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


My homepage has Justified Gallery, whenever i call that page using anchors that are located after that justified gallery, the page loads, goes to the anchor then is quickly pushed down (page scrolling up) because the items of the gallery are loading after. 

In a responsive environement, this is annoying because the (pushing down of my anchor) could be a long way depending on how many items i have in my gallery.

I set to NONE the appear effect of the justified gallery (thinking this is what's delaying the rendering of the page) but it not.

Is there any workaround ? like forcing the justified gallery to populate it's place on the page before moving to the anchor ?


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 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... ... ... Is there any workaround ? like forcing the justified gallery to populate it's place on the page before moving to the anchor ? ... ... ...   

(It > En)  ... Anchors and Anchor points work well in their own pages and in "normal" third pages...
... eventually post your reference LINKS to be able to verify and evaluate ...
... or, if you know how to do it yourself, you can learn more and you can take a cue from my exclusive extra code to customize, and that you can find in these Topics:
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