Messenger plug in-html code 
Autore: Tornike M.
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I need to add facebook messenger plug in into my website.
from my fb i created html code. i have copied and pasted into software of websitex5 into HTML box but its not working.doesnt show anything.
Can anyone teach what should i do?
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I know that in the past facebook blocked accounts(page) and only allowed pages to be used in content on other sites for security reasons. But i am rusty in these things....
Dear Andre,
I cant see seperatle facebook icon in my program. Please see photo atteched.
And my question is about facebook messenger chat box sign. How should i add with htm code.
goto manage button and install the facebook plugin. Again i am not very good at this, and do noot use it myself, maybe someoen else can hekp you better, or check ou this link:
Scusa non capisco quale sia il pulsante GESTISCI. Dove si trova? Nella pagina delle impostazioni? Grazie
Ho scaricato un codice Messenger da Facebook e ho provato a piazzarlo in tutt le posizioni possibili ma non ottengo risultati. facebook fornisce istruzioni per l'instalalzione su diversi provider (Wordpress, Shopify) ma non su WebsiteX5
Bruno, In my picture top right Manage
@ tornike Mike, in WebX5 You have to go into settings step1, then "statistics and code",, change pull down to "after opening body tag" then paste your Code into that box. assuming you have set up on FB end it should work... any issues let me know i will try and help. see screen shot attached... It is a universal code, so putting it on a page, in an html box wont work..( it has to work across the site) see one of mines working HERE
Dear Andy, Thank you very much for your kind explanation!! Everything is working now.