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Ayaz T.
Ayaz T.

Language ,translation,  en

Autore: Ayaz T.
Visite 1480, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Merhaba Ben Türkiye'den Programı Kullanıyorum Ancak Ceviri Bazı Alanlarda Yeterli Değil. 

Coğunlukla Market Ve Ödeme Sayfalarında Halen Cok Fazla Ceviri Gerekli

Gizlilik Politikası Bölümünde Düğme Halen İgare Olarak Geciyor. Türkçe Değil.

Ek Olarak Görsel Eklemeye Calışıcağım. Lütfen Destek Olun Bir Cok Alanda Ceviri Sorunu Yaşıyorum.

Bunu Kendi İmkanlarım İle Çözebiliceğim Bir Şey İse Lütfen Yardımcı Olun.

Hello, I am using the program from Turkey, but the translation is not sufficient in some areas. Too Many Translations Still Required, Mostly on Market and Payment Pages In the Privacy Policy Section, the Button Is Still Obsolete. Not Turkish.

I will try to add additional images. Please Support. I'm Having Translation Problems In Many Areas. If it is something I can solve with my own means, please help.

Postato il
Klaus W.
Klaus W.

Hello Rizak,

for better translation into Turkish you can use this procedure:

Is that helpful enough for you ?

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Postato il da Klaus W.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Rızak T.
 ... ... ...  I'm Having Translation Problems In Many Areas. If it is something I can solve with my own means, please help.... ... 

(It > En) ... you can change the references with the name you want through the options of > the LanguageContent Management  window, as Klaus  has already indicated you...
... or wait for the experts ...
... or(!), if you want to proceed with my exclusive EXTRA code, you have to put here the LINK of the pages where you want to make the changes to the words you have to indicate...




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Postato il da  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪