Api integration 
Autore: Salam S.
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Would be nice to see an option to integrate payments API into website X5
HTML codes are no longer valid.
Most payment and card processors have there API to integrate. They also have ready made integrations with other website builder but not website X5
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Hello Salam,
Custom payments into WSX5 are based on personal coding. You can use HTML, JS, PHP .... to create a new custom payment module.
Just the form into WSX5 needs to be into HTML to get infos from the cart and order with the last form on the website before to go to the payment. After necessary values are passed to other external HTML or PHP file to manage them before to be redirected to the bank page.
Actually the customizable form inside WSX5 is enough to do that, like other solutions too.
The mecanism is the same for all solutions. To get the values from the cart & order (quantity, price, customer infos, delivery infos ...etc) with an HTML form and to pass them to other file to be managed (often external PHP files) before to go the bank page to do the payment.
And inside the external files, often there are many operations to control, to check, to crypt some payloads with bank keys ..etc before to start an exchange with the bank (obvisouly all these operations are done for security reasons)
Hope this one will be usefull for other users.
And I will add. The proces on the table is the same for all banks.
But the method to do that is not the same for ALL banks. So it is not possible to have a quick install method into WSX5 because all banks custom files are always different, and you need at each time, to adapt bank files for the payment.
I tried copying and pasting the API into the html code box
this did not work
how do I do it
Their documentation is here.