Cannot open admin Panel 
Autore: Bruno S.
Visite 1024,
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I use the current PRO version. The created web site has a contact page which should send an email to me. This does not seem to work. When i press send i get this error message from the server:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) in /WWWROOT/285329/htdocs/de/res/x5engine.php on line 7788
The same message appears when i try to open the admin panel by entering the address .../admin
I copied the pages to the server using WebsiteX5, it says to check the server first, so the server settings should be ok.
Does anybody have an idea, what could be wrong?
Postato il
(It > De) ... Sie haben den LINK nicht gepostet, um ihn überprüfen zu können...
... es sollte jedoch ein Problem mit einer unzureichenden PHP-Version sein...
... versuchen Sie es mit v.PHP/8 (+)
I updated the PHP version to 7.4, now i do get a login prompt. Website X5 should not be that picky about the used PHP version.
But thanks for the hint. It did help.
... toll ... ok ...