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Cf Guy
Cf Guy

Website Not Populating (Showing Up) When "Showbox" Option is Used for Display ..  en

Autore: Cf Guy
Visite 1239, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Hi All,

I have benefited immensely from the replies I have gotten through my posts on designing my first Website X5 Pro website.

There is a new issue I was wondering if I could get some help/advice with.

I have a hyperlink programmed to open a website in a "showbox"(versus a new window or "popup window" (which I worry would not be a good option as so many people have pop-up blockers installed on their systems and aren't even aware of it sometimes).

My problem is in the preview mode (any sized view), when I click this hyperlink, the "showbox" window appears with an internet-looking address bar at the top, however the website I have programmed in to appear (populate) never appears - it is just a blank white screen in the "showbox" under the internet-looking address bar at the top.

Does this ever happen (or has this ever happened) to anyone else?

I don't know if it is related to my default browser ("Chrome"), or if this even matters for a "showbox" that is programmed to display a web page.

I am not sure what to do or to try next …

If anyone has any help or suggestions for me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your help with these issues.


Postato il
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. Maybe it's a preview issue. Try to upload the site to the hosting for testing.

If the problem persists, please provide a link to your site.

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Postato il da Aleksej H.
John S.
John S.

It is not all web-pages that allows to be shown in iframes and showboxes.

Use instead to show in a new tab - or show in another window.

If you use to show in another window, you can specify the size of the window so that for the user it seem like a pop-up has opened. But it is not a pop-up - it is a window that is not blocked by blockers and it also allow pages to be shown that is not allowed in iframes and showboxes.

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Postato il da John S.
Cf Guy
Cf Guy


Thanks to both Aleksej H.and John S. for excellent solutions. 

For Aleksej H.- Unfortunately, I don't yet have my website published - a goal I have by (hopefully) the end of today.  It would be great if it were jus t a "preview issue" - problem would be solved.  I'll keep you posted.  Thanks again for your help. :-) -Cfguy

For John S.  - I really like the idea of "open in another window", but changing the size of that window, so, as you said, it feels like a "popup" window to the user, but will not be blocked by "popupp blockers" (that many don't knoe have been installed on their systems).  Follow up question: what size (dimmensions) would you recommend I program in for this new page that will open, and appear as if it were a "popup" window?  Also, regarding your comment "... not all web pages being allowed to be shown in frames ... " - I didn't knwo this.  I just assumed that all webpages could be shown in a frame/"showbox".  Is there any way for a web designer/programmer to know which websites will show in frames and which will not (before publishing the website and testing evey programmed command to "open in frame/showbox?  This would save the web designer/programmer a lot of time an hedaches.  Please let me know your thoughts on the above questions, when you have a chance.  Thanks again for all of your help. :-) -Cfguy

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Postato il da Cf Guy
John S.
John S.

- Testing iframe/showbox: You could use a page like this:

Or: You can just make an iframe and test that. It can be tested in preview.

For a showbox I normally use 1200 x 700 or 1000 x 600

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Postato il da John S.