WebSite X5Help Center

Luca F.
Luca F.

Web site recover  en

Autore: Luca F.
Visite 1466, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

to my surprise when I open W5 page I found a blank page, all my project disappear . There is any way to retrieve them? The project are on the web

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Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Is there an iwzip file (backup copy) from / for WebSite X5 on the computer?

As far as I know it only works with the iwzip file to continue working on the website with WebSite X5 - but wait and see what the experts have to say about it.

If you can't do without the iwzip file, create the website again in WebSite X5. First create the sitemap and then copy the text, images, etc. from the web page on the Internet and paste them onto the pages in WebSite X5.

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Utente del mese IT

maybe you just missed the workbook setting in Preferences

il percorso di salvataggio si vede qui in apertura di website - preferenze - cartelle ...

probabile che sia "saltato" il percorso corretto...

quindi cerca sul tuo hard disk i progetti...

hanno estensione 


se hai i tuoi progetti in




la cartella da mettere in Preferenze sarà



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Postato il da Claudio D.
Luca F.
Luca F.

ok found but how to open .iwprj2

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Postato il da Luca F.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Luca, if you are missing multiple projects then Claudio has provided the correct answer, you just have to locate your projects and set the destination in preferences.

If a corruption occurs (as assumed by Daniel) then the most reliable solution is an iwzip file (step 5, export project) but WX5 does have a backup built in. In some circumstances you can select the project, click backup, choose a likely candidate and select restore.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Luca, did you find the project through WX5 or with Windows Explorer. By default, WX5 stores all projects in the Incomedia folder in documents. In WX5 you should only need to set the incomedia\website x5 - pro folder as default in preferences to again see (and be able to open) ALL your projects.

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Postato il da Esahc ..
Luca F.
Luca F.

solved the prolem, thanks to Daniel W, Claudio D, and Esahc

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Postato il da Luca F.