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Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

".html" get rid of it this end of website name  en

Autore: Jakub Skála
Visite 2093, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


I just created many website from website x5
It is 

When i do subwebsite like - it does nothing. I must enter into end of it ".html" I really hate it. How to do whole website to get rid of ".html" please????!!!!!
My  provider  of  hosting  is  WEDOS

Postato il
John S.
John S.
User seem not to be a subfolder. But there seem to be a page named klice.html in the root.

If you want a sub-website, you must make a sunfolder like klice.

You must then in that subfolder make a complete project. When you make a project in the subfolder, the project will have a page named index.html.

When you specify a url like the system will look in that folder for a index-file it could be index.php or index.html.

So - you have to make a project and then upload that project to a subfolder (not the root)

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Postato il da John S.
John S.
John S.

"....ust make a sunfolder like klice....."

sunfolder >>>> subfolder

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Postato il da John S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The questioner probably wants the .html extension to be removed from all pages.

WebSite X5 is not a CMS, why do people want to hide it?

In 2017 Johannes Müller said that this would not have any SEO advantages, has that changed?

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Utente del mese IT
Daniel W.
why do people want to hide it? In 2017 Johannes Müller said that this would not have any SEO advantages, has that changed?

exactly @Daniel ! wink

@Jakub it's an SEO misconception

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Postato il da Claudio D.
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

Then people tell me this. What will get worse if I just get rid of .html ??
Writing page with ".html" is more difficult and look worse. Why it get worse to SEO? Anyway is there a way how to keep both of them? When write - will  redirect to

Why  anyway  will  this  make  it  worse  when  keeping both  ???  Sorry  i dont  understand  SEO.  I didnt care  about  SEO.WebsiteX5  do SEO  itselfs  or  not?  Im  programmer  of  cars  and IT  i just  know  basisc  about  HTML/CSS  and  Csharp

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Why is writing getting harder?

If you name the page "Klice", WebSite X5 automatically appends the ".html" at the end.

In SEO without ".html" there is no benefit and the browser doesn't care.

If visitors are bothered by ".html", then the website is too boring.

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

No, it is just better remembering when I call someone who is total user and want my car services. 
Is it too hard to understand please? :( 

I just want simplicity and also want this feature what im asking. Will it affect SEO and will SEO be worse? How to have both of those things what i want? - just simple klice and klice.html ? Thank you

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

An example that needs to be tested and adapted to your own web space and server. There is no guarantee that it will work.

----- Content copied and translated from this German website -----

If you want to redirect a whole class of pages, then you have to work with wildcards, which can look like this, for example.

Content of the .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*)\.html$
RewriteRule .* /%1 [R=301,L]

Very important: The instructions shown are only an example and have not been tested. We give general tips for search engine optimization here, but do not create or control any .htaccess files! In addition, we do not know the specific case and the implementation.



The experts would have to answer questions about .htaccess and they should have their web space with the same web hosting provider so that they can test adjustments.

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

Ok and if I want just few sites that I want to have shorter name of page - then how? It has not to be whole website and subsites. Thank you

(because the manual which you sent is harder to apply. Im not programmer)

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Own short URLs made easy with .htaccess

I did a quick search on Google and found a code for the .htaccess file, with which you can forward short URLs to long URLs on your own website.

----- Code for .htaccess file -----

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^pc$ computer-und-internet.html
RewriteRule ^car$ auto-und-verkehr.html

RewriteBase /bilder/
RewriteRule ^bg$ bg.jpg
RewriteRule ^se$ Seideneulchen.jpg


A) Examples from my .htaccess code:

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^pc$ computer-und-internet.html
RewriteRule ^car$ auto-und-verkehr.html

Typed in browser and displayed in address bar > displayed page:

MyWebadress/pc > Webadress/computer-und-internet.html
MyWebadress/car > Webadress/auto-und-verkehr.html


B) Examples from my .htaccess code:

RewriteBase /bilder/
RewriteRule ^bg$ bg.jpg
RewriteRule ^se$ Seideneulchen.jpg

Typed in browser and displayed in address bar > displayed page

MyWebadress/bg > Webadress/bilder/bg.jpg
MyWebadress/se > Webadress/bilder/Seideneulchen.jpg


As can be seen in the examples, there is a section for files that are in the root directory and a section for files that are in a subdirectory.

I tested the code for the .htaccess file on my web space and it works.

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

On your own web space, there is usually already a .htaccess file in the main directory, which is downloaded to the hard drive.

Then the code presented here is adapted to your own needs and added to the end of the existing code.

Then upload the .htaccess file back to the main directory of the web space.

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

Hello, i didnt have time for it. So on, can someone describe, what is SUNFOLDER ? I dont see any "SUNFOLDER" im Maps. Just folder and website. So how to do that by the advice of "making sunfolder" instead of subfolder? I need some site named wihtout .html but still have it in subfolder because sites need to be apperad in menu also. 
Or can i do a redirect? Something like entering will redirect to klice.html

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála
Daniel W.
On your own web space, there is usually already a .htaccess file in the main directory, which is downloaded to the hard drive. Then the code presented here is adapted to your own needs and added to the end of the existing code. Then upload the .htaccess file back to the main directory of the web space.

 sounds good but what If I make changes in website x5 program and program will upload this file to rewrite old one. I will have to write it manually again and again? Or it will remain the rest of manually code which i enter and it just rewrites or adds code to present htaccess file? Thank you

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

ah sorry i see correction of mistake "sunfolder". 
and read whole thing again. So only way is to manual edit. Because i want to have .html and also without .html
Question question is, if i must edit manually everytime.... :( 

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

Anyway, here is what is inside my htaccess file... Im little bit confused what to do with it

# WebSite X5 - Start Code [do not edit]

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

# WebSite X5 - End Code
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L]
Header set Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests;

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I'm not an htaccess expert, for specific questions the moderators or the htaccess experts have to answer.

I search my htaccess code via google on trustworthy websites and test it on a webspace to see if it works.

The WebSite X5 htaccess code should not be changed, it will be modified by WebSite X5 if necessary.

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Joabe Arruda
Joabe Arruda
Jakub Skála
Então as pessoas me dizem isso. O que vai piorar se eu simplesmente me livrar do .html ?? Escrever página com ".html" é mais difícil e fica pior. Por que piorar para SEO? De qualquer forma, existe uma maneira de manter os dois? quando escrever - redirecionará para ? Por que, de qualquer maneira, isso piorará ao manter os dois ??? Desculpe, eu não entendo de SEO. Eu não me importava com SEO.WebsiteX5 fazer SEO em si ou não? Sou programador de carros e TI, só sei o básico sobre HTML/CSS e Csharp

See it:

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Postato il da Joabe Arruda
Jakub Skála
Jakub Skála

Still no solution? I cant respect that some SEO or something similar must have .html
If you look on internet, i dont see any of them using this. Biggest websites like BBC, CNN, much of them not. So why I should have to? THere must be some easy trick how to do that, but how? 
WebsiteX5  it  selfs  using some  sites  without  it.... - for example

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Postato il da Jakub Skála
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

If you really want to get rid of the .html extension, you have to find an Htaccess expert who will then test it so that it really works.

Google search: htaccess .html remove

There are many results to test and if it doesn't work then go to an expert and pay them if they don't do it for a thank you.

Since it doesn't bother me, I'm not interested in spending hours searching for working code.

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Postato il da Daniel W.