How to get a Google Sheet to show 
Autore: P-A Solberg
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I have created a Google Sheet (*.gsheet), and can't find a way to embed/show it on my X5 site...
I have tried Google Forms Object and the HTML Code Object. None works the way I want! The one that shows something on the site after publishing is the HTML Code Object (the Google Forms Object shows nothing!). But I can't edit it to look good and display everything.
What am I doing wrong? How should the process look for it to work?
Please see attached files for more info.
Hope someone has an answer!
//P-A Solberg
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In Google sheets there is the possibility to get the code needed for embedding
Here I have it - sorry it is in Danish - but you should see the same just in your own language.
And then allow public and integrate and you will get the code.
The code is for an iframe.
You just put the code in a html-object in X5 and you will see the document on the page where you place the html-object.
You should not download the document. All happens online.
If you choose to let it be published on the web then new content of the sheet, will be seen in the X5 page.
This is a kind of emulating a CMS-system.
You can give extern users access to the online document and then when a client has changed the content it will be published on the X5 page with the html-object with the code for embedding.
Great, thanks John!
I follow what you say/mean, and that's what I have done. I need to be more clear. Sorry.
Did you look at the screenshots in the attached file? It's all there, and it follows what you propose... Without working... Unfortunately.
Shall I use the HTML Code Object or the Google Forms Object? And how can I edit the display/visuals?
This is the code you should copy and paste into a HTML-object on the X5 page where you want the sheet to be shown.
Once this is done and the project is uploaded to the web, then the sheew will be shown on the X5 page.
It is not the sheet you shall insert on the page - it is the code that Google presented for you
The code in the red circle.
it is the code i put in the right field... It does not work anyway...
Could you supply with screenshots:
- Screenshot of the page layout for the page in X5
- Screenshot of the content of the html-object
- Link to the page on the web
I took John S.'s iframe code, added width=70% height=500 and placed it in an HTML object on my test page, see screenshot
Yes - either a height should be set in the html-object or a height should be specified for the iframe.
Thanks for your input. I solved, but I am not pleased. Would love to get some answers. Please look at the attached file.
I can not understand you wonder why the code functions in the X5 html-object and does not function in the X5 Google Form object...
I told several times that you should use the html-object. The html-object can be used for CSS, JS and HTML code. And the code given by Gogle is html code. That is why the html-object functions and the form-object does not.
The is a very good site to be familiar with HTML and CSS.
Here is something for the iframe:
The X5 Google Forms object :
Is for Google Forms :
I would suggest the link
But the link is not functioning - @INCOMEDIA you should fix that.
Thank you John!
Did you happen to see my questions about the width/height field and the Show Scroll bar function in the HTML Object.
And the possibility, or not, to hide/delete some of the things that is showing except just the cells in the gsheet (you can see what I mean in the attached file)?
Sorry about the misunderstanding regarding gsheets and forms... Now I know - thought craze!
Thanks once more, John!
Just some thin lines left to get rid off.
Please see attached file.
Can you help or point me in the right direction?
I have several suggestions on directions - but the styling of what is inside the iframe has nothing to do with the X5.
I will try to help you, but the non-X5 things should not be on the X5 forum.
You can contact me by using the contact form in bottom of this page:
The answer is "kat"
To sum it up:
John gave me a lot of good feedback and suggestions - thanks!
Finally, I decided to stick with and keep on trying the Google Sheet Object and found after testing a lot that it works regarding content but not 100% graphically... So now we use the Table Object instead.