Webhosting for more than a year at a time 
Autore: Bert H.Eleven months I used WebsiteX5 Evo, used its webhosting, bought two domains here, and everything works. Then I received the announcement that it is almost time to update my License and Web Space.
Last week I wrote to the contact person of Incomedia Sales and asked possibilities to extend everything, including both my domains, for a period of five years. Yesterday I got a direct answer: it isn't possible to extend the license + hosting for more than one year at a time.
In the future I will not be at home for a longer period of time and not even near the internet and paying services via the internet. And my two domains I may have to extend separately, for this I have not yet received a direct answer.
Does anyone have experience contacting WebsiteX5's webhosting provider directly to extend their web space and domains? Are there other simple and practical solutions for someone with no IT expert background?
X5 is not a real webhosting. You cannot have a real domain name. It is good for fun and testing.
I suggest you contact a "real" webhosting firm. I am quite sure most of them will offer you to pay for a longer period than a year. If you buy a real domain name, the webhoster will possibly offer the same also for the domain. I know some domain administrators offer longer periods than one year.
I know there are webhosters that offers automatic payment. If you do not find a firm (I believe you will) It will be possible to find a firm that offers automatic payment.
You then have to be sure that you have a creditcard (or another solution than creditcard) that does not expire within the period and where there is enough money on the account attached to the creditcard.
I have experience with a 10 year period at simply.com (former unoEuro)
My main webhosting is one.com - I suggest you contact them.
Hi Bert,
I have to confirm it isn't possible to extend the hosting for more than one year at a time, I am sorry abut this.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Thanks for the many possible answers. Though I still have problems.
For example. One thing I want to avoid is changing my domain names. If I buy new (real) ones they just can't be the same as the old ones as I understand. So the URLs of my websites change. For some of my "clients" it would be more/too difficult to find them again (after some time), which I want to avoid.
You could set up your new/copy websites with a real webhost. Then place some sort of (yellow?) highlighted text note, or maybe a popup on the current ones about that site will no longer be available in the near future. And have a link to the new one. Also remind them to save or bookmark the new one. (I had to do the same a couple of times.)
@Berto H.
If Incomedia does not give you the possibility of a renewal for longer than one year,
buy the space and domain name from another provider and make the transfer...
There are many that offer renewals of up to 5 years!
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. How could the WebsiteX5 Evo program be transformed from a fun and testing program into one of the best products on the global market? Usually only two top Incomedia products, WebsiteX5 Evo and WebsiteX5 Pro, are talked about. However, Incomedia has a third top product which is somehow secret, which costs nothing and which can be advertised worldwide for its uniqueness and top level. Perhaps as the best features can be called simplicity, honesty and transparency. I mean here the Community and the many IT and other experts who have been allowed to comment with many practical alternatives and sometimes real eye-openers. Thanks to Incomedia for allowing that phenomenon for so many years!
For me Evo has been more suitable than the Pro product. By trying it I was able to find many of its characteristics. And with almost text-only websites, it has continued to work flawlessly after each update. They are also easy to find with Google and Bing, without having understood how to develop the SEO tester online and other search options. Among other things, because they are fast and have a secure connection (https).
Today I know I have a second level domain, which has not bothered me until now. But maybe it is a cause for my problems. So I contacted my domains original registrar to ask what can be done. And I just received a possible answer, with which I want to approach the Webhoster and Registration Service Provider of Incomedia Host SpA.
Somehow Incomedia has advertised its Pro product as the pinnacle of all its top products. Because of its refinements and niceties and developed capabilities. Although for me as a layman the luxury options are not interesting. I didn't need them at all. I probably would have even paid the price of the Pro version if I had received the same help that is offered for the Pro version. I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours writing everything and setting up my websites. Not for nothing, at the same time my websites have helped to organize my data better and better. Now they are good enough to be published as two books. But I am also looking for simple solutions to keep my websites online as long and as simple as possible. That would be an excess value for which I am also willing to pay.
Based on the Community's responses, I conclude that the Evo version and simple websites with the Pro version are almost perfect. Therefore, the Evo version would deserve the same kind of advertising as the Pro version. And because the Evo version is so stable, extensions for a longer period would make it even more attractive and perfect.
For the Evo and the Pro version, Community help is incredibly broad. Knowing that there is always a way out with which to find new directions is one way to avoid depression. It prevents mental illness.