WebSite X5Help Center

Arribe M.
Arribe M.

VAT/Tax outside of product price  en

Autore: Arribe M.
Visite 1195, Followers 1, Condiviso 13  
Parole Chiave: state

Do you have a version of the shopping cart process that calculates VAT outside of the product price and might be geographically and/or delivery related?  You probably know that here in the States we need to charge different tax rates based on where the product is shipped, and in most cases it's only one State that needs differentiation.  I can set up delivery options to various states and can see VAT calculations on top of the shipping charges, but for California, you can't charge tax for shipping, only for the product. 

I think the right place to make the adjustment is x5cartengine.js, and I think it would be easy to do but wondered if anyone else had taken a stab at this. 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Postato il
Noemi W.

Hi  Arribe M.,

this feature is not available in WebSite X5 Evolution 9.I suggest you to set open an "Idea". All of them we do pass to our software developers who do valutead all ideas carefully. 

Infact, we have added the ''idea'' section in answers because we believe that your suggestions are very important: you use our software therefore your feedback is very precious. Every single one of you can post whenever he needs to, we are delighted to receive your ideas to then consider them for future updates. This does not mean though that what you post will be created and added to WebSite X5 immediately.

However, we have thousands of clients all over the world and every one of you has different skills and needs: what is true and necessary for a single user is often pointless for others. For this reason, we need to collect all the ideas you post and test them according to a whole range of issues, not justaccording to the number of requests.

Thank you,

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Postato il da Noemi W.