Video/audio browser codecs that works in websitex5 evo 
Autore: Preben B.Hi
I am in the process of creating a web page in WebsiteX5 EVO and have come across a problem with playing video with the "Video and Audio" object. I follow your Website X5 Guide: How to work with the Video/Audio Object. However, I get the error message below no matter which codec setup I try.
Have found one of your answers to another user, where you recommend the following: Video codec: MPEG-4/ H264 /25/29 or 30 fps. Audio codec MPEG-4 AAC /44.100 Hz Stereo I still get the same reaction as with many other settings for codecs:
"Denne video kan ikke afspilles i denne browser. Prøv at bruge en anden browser". (no fail number)
In english:
"This video can not be played in this browser. Try to use another browser"
I would like to know which other browser is meant. I thought the WebsideX5 EVO has a built in local browser for that purpose?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes. Preben
The built-in preview browser does not have all the functions of a real browser and therefore does not display the video.
In the Pro version, the browser on the computer can also be used for the preview.
With the Evo version, you can only see the video after exporting it to the Internet.
Som Daniel skriver så bliver du med EVO versionen nødsaget til at uploade dit projekt hvis du vil se det i en "rigtig" browser. Såsom Edge, Chrome eller Firefox.
Hvis det efter upload viser sig stadig ikke at virke, er der flere muligheder.
Du kan bruge en standardafspiller og vise videoen i en iframe via html-objektet.
Du kan uploade videoen til YouTube og vise den via en iframe.
Du kan eventuelt give et link til videoen. Så kan nogle af brugerne måske afteste den på en test-side. Hvis det er en større video kan du måske lægge en bid ud til aftestning.
With the Evo edition you can start the preview, copy the URL and then paste it on a browser in order to preview the project on a different browser.
Thanks! Kind regards.
... (It > En) ...for v.EVO do as Elisa said, use the local URL > ...pasting it into the address bar of the second browser after starting the Preview...
...see also here:
... To evaluate any other problems, post the LINK to the page published online...