Quantity Discount idea for Entire Cart 
Autore: German L.Hello. I wanted to suggest for an upcoming update, the suggestion to allow us to set up Discounts on the entire Shopping Cart based on quantity of same-price related items. I notice that in the "Shopping Cart > Options" tab, there is only the ability to choose either "Allow minimum order value" by cost, or "Activate discount on Order total" which is again by cost.
My suggestion is to also have some options for the quantity of the items in cart that have the same price value. For example:
If my shop sells different books at different prices. Some books cost $25 each, some cost $15 each, and some cost $10 each. And let's say my shop offers a "Buy Three $10 Books and Get Two More Free" promotion on ALL books priced ONLY at $10 each. If the customer adds 5 books at $10 each into cart, my feature suggestion would then see that if all books equal $10 each, that it would apply the $20 discount from the $50 total to allow the discount to happen. However, if the customer added two $25.00 books and three $10.00 books, the discount would NOT occur because the requirement of five $10.00 priced books is not met.
I know that each individual product has the "Enable Quantity Discount" option. However, that only works if the products are all the exact same product. However, if there are multiple products in the Shop that are different individually listed products such as a large variety of books, the "Enable Quantity Discount" isn't helpful in this case at all, which is where my suggestion would be helpful.
I actually tried some other options in the system before posting this. However, nothing worked. I thought the "Allow minimum order value" feature in Shopping Cart > Options tab was for discounts to only work with this amount entered. However, I see it's simply a feature to not allow you to checkout unless a certain amount is reached.
Therefore, I would also like to suggest allowing a feature that allows us to decide whether Coupon Codes work only after a certain minimum dollar amount or quantity is reached. For example, if I want to allow a customer $25.00 off of their entire order if their Cart has a total of $50 or more, then the Coupon Code "25OFF" would ONLY work if the cart has $50.00 or more total. At this time, if I create the Coupon Code "25OFF" and the customer has any dollar amount in cart, this coupon code still works. So if the cart toal is $15 and the 25OFF code is used, the customer would pay $0.00, whereas if a minimum dollar amount is allowed, the code would not work and a message would let the customer know they need to have (x) minimum dollar amount in their cart to proceed.
I hope that these suggestions can be considered and implemented in the near future, especially with so many online websites having these kinds of features for their clients.
(It > En) .... while waiting for your idea to be taken into account for future evolutions of the Program, ... ... perhaps you might be interested in this topic on the EXTRA conditioning of discounts and coupons...