Contact form not sending via email 
Autore: John Gates
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Hi i use x5 to create my website and upload to our hosting site all is easy and great. however i have a contact form that customers fill in then it emails to our inbox. however it says email
sent but its not being recieved can you offer advice to resolve this
many thanks
Postato il
what e-mail address are you using in both the settings of the contact form and in Step 5 - Export ---> Online export ---> Parameters ---> E-mail?
Is it an address with the same domain as the website?
Thank you.
Hi Eric thanks for the prompt reply, so much better than our hosting site :)
our website is and the email is ***
hope this information helps
Hello John,
and this has been set for both the contact form itself and in the other settings I mentioned?
If so, it should be fine as it is indeed an e-mail with the same domain, so it shouldn't be restrictions placed on it.
I would suggest also checking in with your provider to investigate if there is anything going on with the mail server, as while WebSite X5 sets up what will be sent, the sending is then managed on the mail server's end.
Hi Eric i have recieved this reponse from exact hosting "Hello John,
No there are no issues on our end, both mailboxes are working now that I have fixed the DNS issue. You'll need to coordinate with X5 regarding this."
however each time i test the system i have to login to the exact hosting control panel to unblock the website and recieve the following message "IP Block was removed from server:
Reason: Your IP was blocked due to multiple IMAP/Email login failures" could it be linked in your opinion, dont worry i wont report your thoughts to them
many thanks
Hello John,
when you mention the error, do you mean that you see this when using the Website Test functions to send an e-mail in the panel at NameOfYourWebsite/admin?
Hi eric no when i publish to the site including the contact form (currently hidden) it says email sent when completed however after a while i have to login to portal and unblock website because of that message
Hello John,
I would suggest mentioning this to the provider as well, as it is definitely an anomaly and might be related.
Can you check what actually happens when on your admin panel for the website? There is an e-mail test function.
You can check the URL from the Website Management settings, and the credentials to login are the same as any administrator user set in the Access Managements settings inside the project.
Hi Eric i dont have the website managemnt tab
Hello John,
my apologies, I didn't check your version, those settings are not available in Evo.
You should just need to add /admin after the URL of your website in the browser's address bar, then.
Hi Eric still having issues, Exact Hosting are saying they can see nothing wrong. my question to you is, can i input any of the email settings into x5 before i upload, the detais are:
Mail Client Manual SettingsSecure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)Username:***assword:Use the email account's password.Incoming
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.
Hello John,
you can change the e-mail settings from the parameter, choosing to use, for example, one of the SMTP options and the relevant settings you have found:
Thank you for everything Eric now all working