Help from kolasim.... with a jquery to refresh captcha 
Autore: Axel Hi KolAsim,
I need your help on this issue.
Into this page, normally a picture is displayed to refresh the captcha.
But the picture is not displayed.
In the page properties there is this code but is not working anymore.
#reloadCpt {
display: block;
width: 25px;
padding: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 0 auto;
$(document).ready(function() {
x5engine.boot.push(function() {
$('.x5captcha-wrap').after('<img id="reloadCpt" src="afs-demo/captcha/refresh1.png" />');
$('#reloadCpt').click(function() {
Into inspect I have this error.
I suppose a change into WSX5 somewhere.
Your help should be very appreciated.
I found why...
In fact I had changed the captcha from WSX5 to Google.
With WSX5 captcha it's works fine