Alt tags for images in shopping cart cards 
Autore: John W.It has been over a year, I am circling back to this critical issue. It was left that your engineers created the code: ALT="" for shopping card card images. I was told, this gets the bots off our backs because they see an ALT tag and the bots stop telling you that there is no ALT tag. Well, a blank ALT tag is still no ALT tag. It does ZIPPO for SEO. We don't want ZIPPO, we would prefer a HIPPO of SEO. So much that we get noticed all over Google Images.
So has anything been done to create an automatic funtion of taking the JPEG file name and using that as an automatic ALT tag for images in shopping cart cards? Manual override would be nice too. But if all of us get creative and call our JPEGs with a keyword rich file name, automatic would be just fine. Because ALT="" vs. ALT="hera elite led light 46 inch long cool white" the blank tag does nothing in image search. The filled in tags will help your customers sell products. Stay happy, and stay using Website X5. That is what it is all about. A win-win-win for everyone.
Please tell me that you have been working on this.
The images in the product catalog only have alt="", but the product detail page has alt="Product name". The images in the product search page also contain alt="Product name".
The alt tag should actually contain an image description.
The alt tag is essential from a usability perspective. This gives visually impaired people barrier-free access to all content, because the alt tag enables screen readers or voice browsers to read out the information content of the image. This technology will become increasingly important in the future and accessibility is also rewarded by Google.
>> (in German)
(It > En) ... ... for those interested, with my EXTRA code, the ALT and TITLE attributes could be dynamically added to the images upon opening the page, obtaining them from the file name of the images themselves...
... but if you're interested, I need the LINK to the page in question to check it out...
Thank you, Daniel. Some of my cart images open a new page, some do not. Those created before that function was added to the software do not. I will check the source code on those that do and see if it is there.
BUT, if no one clicks on an image to open it as a new page, for example, they see it, like it, and just add to cart, then the ALT tag on that page is still blank. Somehow that ALT tag on its intro page, not a page it self creates for that card, has to have an ALT tag. The main page HTML could have 1 to 40 products on one page. That is a lot of ALT tags missing. ALT="" is cheating. That does nothing for SEO. It only tricks robots that the tag exists. It is what is in the tag that helps you.
Hello John,
the choice to leave alt="" in the Product Catalog was deliberate, as being empty would be better than having something that isn't actually suited for the content of an alt tag.
Unless the name of the file is a description of what is depicted in the picture, as the alt should contain, it is best to leave it blank.
Thanks to what Daniel mentioned, we will fix the way it currently works for the product search page, as the alt in that page does contain the name of the product at the moment.
We will consider as a potential future update an option to manually add the alt tag for this kind of images.
Manual would be just fine. Automatic would be nice for those of us who do use keyword rich file names, such as:
Hera ELite-LED and XL version compared
Hera EL-LED-MC-MAGNET magnetic mounting clip
Lenape 523-01 Classic double robe hook side view
Automatic use of the file name, for those of us who plan in advance, would be ideal. But I do get your point.
Easy enough to copy and paste doing it manually. Please keep me aprised. I have been asking for a few years for this to happen.