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Donald B.
Donald B.

Overlay Menu Vertical Spacing?  en

Autore: Donald B.
Visite 211, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Just purchased the Overlay Menu and I do not see a way to control the vertical spacing between the page names. Also no margins? Hope I'm missing something. If not, next to useless and will need a refund.

Postato il
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. You can change the menu style using CSS. For example, in my case:

.pluginAppObj_102_03_menuoverlay ul li {
height: 50px !important;

Please provide a link to your website page with this menu. I will try to help you and provide more information.

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Postato il da Aleksej H.
Donald B.
Donald B.

Aleksej, thank you very much for your quick response and time to use possible code.

But as stated on their website:

WebSite X5 is perfect for those who don't have programming knowledge and prefer to work visually, without having to struggle with code.It is also very useful for professionals working on quick or low-budget projects.

I have one more thing to check before asking for a refund.

Thanks Again

Aleksey, bol'shoye spasibo za bystryy otvet i vremya na ispol'zovaniye vozmozhnogo koda. No kak ukazano na ikh sayte: WebSite X5 ideal'no podkhodit dlya tekh, kto ne obladayet znaniyami v oblasti programmirovaniya i predpochitayet rabotat' vizual'no, ne zamorachivayas' s kodom. On takzhe ochen' polezen dlya professionalov, rabotayushchikh nad bystrymi ili malobyudzhetnymi proyektami. Prezhde chem prosit' vozvrat sredstv, mne nuzhno proverit' yeshche odnu veshch'. Yeshche raz spasibo

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Postato il da Donald B.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

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Postato il da Aleksej H.
Eric C.

Hello Donald,
unfortunately these settings of the object cannot be customized.
If you give me a confirmation I will go ahead with the refund.


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Postato il da Eric C.
Donald B.
Donald B.

Please refund my credits back and let me know what I need to do to uninstall. Thanks Eric.

(It does collapse some verically on smaller screens and could be useable except you cannot click anyway to close and must go to the top to close the overlay.)

Hope you come out with something I can use like a text bigger/smaller button or cards before my credits expire. I did purchase the new accordion object, interesting.

Kind Regards

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Postato il da Donald B.
Eric C.

Hello Donald,
I went ahead with the refund and the credits have been restored.


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Postato il da Eric C.
Pavel M.
Pavel M.

In principle, a full-page menu can be created on a separate hidden page using the program's tools, without any purchased objects, and any effects can be added to it, not to mention that you will have all the settings for the distance between menu items at your disposal (or you can make a menu in two rows and add pictures and much more:)

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Postato il da Pavel M.
Donald B.
Donald B.

Thanks Eric, I don't see that object in the program now either.

Pavel, thanks for the reminder about the full page menu.

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Postato il da Donald B.