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Donald B.
Donald B.

Zigzag Timeline Text Align Left-Right?  en

Autore: Donald B.
Visite 144, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Every other text box is aligned right. Is there a way to change that.

I have everything, all text, aligned left. Still stays to the right.yell

We should have a choice for left, right, or

Postato il
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Utente del mese EN

Since I didn't purchase the object, I can't test it with WebSiteX5.

On the preview page I tested it with the web developer tool and there it worked with the CSS code, see screenshot below.

The numbers in the CSS code (highlighted in bold) must be found in the source code because the numbers are only for the preview page and are different for each user.

The text alignment in the CSS code (highlighted in bold) may still need to be adjusted.

----- CSS code -----

.pluginAppObj_132_194_card {
text-align: center !important;

----- Screenshot -----

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Postato il da Daniel W.
Donald B.
Donald B.


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Postato il da Donald B.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Utente del mese EN

The developers chose alternating right/left text alignment because it fits well with the alternating margin and relieves users of the pain of choice.


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Postato il da Daniel W.
Donald B.
Donald B.

"Since I didn't purchase the object, I can't test it with WebSiteX5."

That's a fact, Jack!

Then why respond except to boost your status and ratings?

When I ask a question or suggest an idea I'm looking for an answer.

NEVER I'm I asking for a work-around or a code fix.

After all, you don't need a line of code with program, right?

I hope this gets through the Bio-Sphere you're living in.

Simple Enough?cool

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Postato il da Donald B.