Two computers 
Autore: Svenskafolkfonden Svenskafolkfonden
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How can weuse the program at an other computer with the sane program? It is necessary for us to have a back up function during holidays and illness? We have tried but we can´t find the right files. Even if it is only one computer running. The other computer has its own program but we want to share the same files indivudally. Claes E
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you just need to install the program on the second computer. Therefor you need to have your lincensekey and you need to use the same emailadress to register as you did for the first installation.
You also need to make sure that you have all files you need on both computers.
kind regards,
We havefiles onthe server itseemseasiest.Especiallyif you're goingto take overwithoutadvance planningsuch assickness.
I installedmyown license.Why mustitbethe same license?
Hello Anna,
It does not need to be the same license, I just thought this is here the case. Having the files on the server is a good solution in such a case.
kind regards
How can I transfer the files to rhe server from my personal computer and how do I make the program to find it?
Claes E
Hello Claes,
to export the file you need to use a iwzip file. You can upload it to the server or just use a usb stick to put it on the other pc.
Then you open the program and edit an existing file. You have the option to search the file there.
kidn regards,
Thank you. But which files shall be transferred? And how do I find them? To be sure not to miss anything in files or programme I ask you to specify which files I shall choose.
Kind regards
URGENT!! More information: We are twopeople workingwith this program.Therefore, we wantit tobe onthe server sowe bothcan use thecurrent files.This is important aswe workoverlap. We have tried, butwe will not get it to work.
Today,Claes has all the web pageson his own computer.ThenI can notgo in andmake a changeif necessary.
Can you give usinformation step by stephow totransfer the filesto the serverand which file/map we have to transfer?We have tried tomove the entire"Incomedia"folderwhich is on "Claes" computerto the server, butwhen we try toimport it, there areno filesit wants tomove up.This isa very big problemand as it is now, we can not workwith "WebsiteX5". Can we get in direct contactwith you?We have today two licenses, we can not work with it becouse we need to use it both. PLEASE HELP US!!!
Hello Anna,
1. In Step 5 you choose "Export the project"
2. Give your project a path name you like (it will automatic be transformed to an iwzip file)
3. upload the iwzip file to your server
4. download the project to your computer
I hope I could make it clear and it will work now.
kind regards,