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Alberto G.
Alberto G.

Error imEmailform.php send form  en

Autore: Alberto G.
Visite 3825, Followers 1, Condiviso 36  
Parole Chiave: form,imemailform,problem,send

Hi, I have a problem with my php imEmailForm. When the customers try to senf the form, the explorers open a php file. I have changed al the php preferences like I have read in another post. Also, I have read that the solution is change the imEmailForm.php but I dont know what exactly I have to change. My server has active php and the right version. I put my pho code:

  "Email", "owner_email_to" => "***", "customer_email_from" => "***", "customer_email_to" => "Email", "owner_message" => "acabas de recibir una peticion de informacion", "customer_message" => "Estimado/a: Hemos recibido tu solicitud de información. Por ello lo primero de todo queremos darte las gracias por la confianza depositada en nosotros. En las proximas 24 horas, uno de nuestros gestores comerciales se pondra en contacto contigo para poder ayudarte y asesorarte en todo lo relacionado con el aprendizaje del Portugues. Queremos recordarte que Mi Academia de Portugues pone a tu disposición los siguientes servicios: 1.- Clases particulares. 2.- Cursos: 2.1- On-Line, inscribiendote el ellos. 2.2- Video Cursos para realizar cuando tu quieras. 3.- Otros Servicios: Traducciones, Interpretes, Preparación para examenes.. ", "owner_subject" => "peticion de informacion", "customer_subject" => "Mi Academia de Portugues", "owner_csv" => True, "customer_csv" => True, "confirmation_page" => "../index.html" ); if(substr(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, 11) == "imEmailForm") { include "../res/x5engine.php"; $answers = array( ); $form_data = array( "Nombre" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_1'], "Apellidos" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_2'], "Teléfono" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_3'], "Email" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_4'], "País" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_5'], "Ciudad" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_6'], "Población" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_7'], "Código Postal" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_8'], "Motivo Consulta" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_9'], "¿ Como nos ha Conocido?" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_10'], "Adelántenos que necesita" => $_POST['imObjectForm_1_11'] ); $files_data = array( ); if(@$_POST['action'] != "check_answer") { if(!isset($_POST['imJsCheck']) || $_POST['imJsCheck'] != "jsactive") die(imPrintJsError()); if(isset($_POST['imSpProt']) && $_POST['imSpProt'] != "") die(imPrintJsError()); $email = new imSendEmail(); $email->sendFormEmail($settings['imEmailForm_3_1'], $form_data, $files_data); @header('Location: ' . $settings['imEmailForm_3_1']['confirmation_page']); } else { if(@$_POST['id'] == "" || @$_POST['answer'] == "" || strtolower(trim($answers[@$_POST['id']])) != strtolower(trim(@$_POST['answer']))) echo "0"; else echo "1"; } } // End of file

Postato il
Noemi W.

Hi Alberto G.,

please kindly look at this faq where you can find useful suggestions in order to solve your doubts:

Kind Regards,


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Postato il da Noemi W.