Displaying only one out of eight pages in new site section. 
Autore: Colin A.
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Website X5 Update display problem. I installed .1873 today then made a gallery, consisting of eight pages two in a sub level. See www.equus-imaging.com, menu item Combined Events/Inter Col. 16th May'12. When you click on any of the pages only one will show, all I get is the Welcome Page, someone else could only get the X Country. It acts the same in any browser plus the X5 Preview.
This is urgent as I have people trying to see my photos from yesterday!!!
Postato il
Colin learn HTML and know that you haven’t to use quotation or apostrophes in Titles or images!! It might just work then…..
Looks like you were right Frank! But still can't workout why the hell it's been working for a couple of years without a hitch, then bam it all goes wrong after a X5 update.
Would also be nice if ICM bothered replying to my problem!!!!

Hello Colin,
Frank is our moderatore and heanswered to your post the day after you opened it with the correct solution therefore we did not add anything to it!