Header en footer 
Autore: Rik M.
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Hi, After converting one of my sites to X9, i noticed that when going from one page to another, often the page gets reloaded entirely. So not only the body part but also header en footer, breefly showing the default background. V8 doesn't do that, i changes the body but the header and footer remain visible. The complete page build in v9 gives it an antique feeling. Like the site was badly designed. That's not exactly what i want to show my clients. So, how can i avoid constant reloading of headers and footers? Thanks, Rik
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Hi Rik!
I need more info in order to help... what did you add in you header? Could you please give me your website URL?
hi, Thers nothing different in my header than in V8,
this is the site www.pcrondon.be
Hi Rik!
I'm sorry but I can not see your website. What object did you use in your header? What did you add in it? Slideshow? Image? HTML object?
Please give me more info! Thanks!
Hi Samantha,
Sorry, there was a typo in the name it is www.pcrondom.be
And there's nothing 'funny' in the header/footer
Hello Rik!
Thank you for giving me the correct url!
I saw your website and I can not see the error you talk about. When I switch from one page to the other the header doesn't disappear. What browser do you have? It could depend on that.
Hi Samantha,
I'm using firefox. Sometimes it does rebuild the whole page, sometimes it doesn't. Can't put a finger on it. Fact is, it behaves differently then V8.
So by disappearing, i don't meen it's gone, it just reloads the whole page (although fast, there is a 'flash' of only background. And that's annoying...
Hi Rik!
I understand. Actually website x5 does not create a header/footer that always remains where it is. It has to reload it everytime you go into a new page therefore if you do not see it disappear, it is an error: it means that your browser is using your old browser chache image and it is not reloading our new one.
Hi Samantha,
I've looked and indeed all sites created with X5 show this behaviour.
Well, the ones created with V9.
There is a real difference between V8 en V9 sites.
I have sites (eg www.lichtopdezaak.nl) build in v8, that do not behave like that. Jump from page to page and only the content changes.
Even when refreshing the page, the page does not completely flash away (it only happens with a hard refresh using ctrl-F5)
I think V9 uses a different way of showing pages then v8. It might have something to do with the fact that backgrounds can be different from page to page. In any case, it is an anoying side-effect...
It's kind of silent. I still think v8 behaves different than v8 in this respect, correct me if i'm wrong.......
Hi Rik.... Optimize your header/footer my friend as low as possible. (DynamicDrive.com)
You are correct it does "Flicker" in between pages but this is due to the browser. as once the website is loaded it shouldn't need to load it again. Could also blame a number of things?
Server and Internet (ISP) connections....
Not a major worry methinks, as a majority of websites do this
Hi frank,
No, i know it is not a major issue, but sometimes the small ones are irritating ;)
And it's the fact that V8 doesn't do it and v9 does. So, someything must be different...