Row spacing changing when video is inserted in page in E9
Autore: Gene S.I am trying to do a layout for a new site in E9. The layout is 7 rows by 6 columns with text inserted down the left on rows 3 - 7, each text element ocupying 1 cell. I then try to insert a video on the right side of the page occupying, say, 3x3 cells . When I preview the page one of the text cells (which one varies on what the size of the audio/video element in the page) stretches vertically to the size of the audio/video player element. I've tried everything I can think of and I know I should be able to insert the video without messing up the layout on the rest of the page - just can't seem to make it work. I've tried moving the element around on the page and changinging its size (number of cells included) but the only thing that changed was which row stretched. Attached are layout and result captures from test page. Any guidance is appreciated.
p.s. can't tell of the attchment picked up both jpeg capture files
Sorry - post only picked up one attachment - here are the layout and result combined.
Stretch the video box down to row 7!
Ok - I'll give it a try and report back. Thanks. Can you tell me a bit about why that might work and if that means I will not be able to add text sections under the video (or do they just need to be inserted further down than the expanded video box and still will appear under the video?). I tried to look through all the "documentation" such as it is, but couldn't find anything that addressed the issue.
Just wanted to report back - your suggestion worked perfectly - and I was able to insert the text block below it and see how it worked. Now I have a second question using the same basic scenario but instead of a video block I now use a text block. Same problem - the left blocks expand. Using your previous suggestion if I expand the text block to the same row coverage it solves that problem, but I now have huge text block much larger than the text I want in it. and that I can't format in terms of borders, etc. because it covers so much real estate. And, because of all of the empty space in it, I now have a large gap between that block and the one below it. I suppose this has something to do with what HTML calls "floats" and the way X5 is translating its interface into HTML (I could never figure it out in HTML either which why I'm using X5). So if you have any additional insights (or if I'm totally missing something obvious) it would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Gene,
try to set the margin and padding for the cell text, or try to insert a code html (use the html object). Try to export the site in internet and sen me the URL.
OK - I'll get it uploaded to my test site and let you know the URL as soon as I can get it done.
Occurred to me that seeing the result wasn't going to help if you couldn't see the layout, so here they are combined. You see that the column 1 text box in row 6 is stretched and there is a large gap between the bottom of the upper text and the text box below it . I can stretch the upper text box to cover all rows and that fixes the colum one stretch, but then the upper text box is MUCH larger than the text it contains and there is still a large gap between it and the text box below.
Here is the URL for my testing site:
Hi Gene,
check the margin and padding for the cells and delete the space in the "text object".
Ok, Riccardo - I'll give it a try and let you know. Thanks
That did it! Thanks, Riccardo! It's always the little stuff!