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X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Php script wrights  en

Autore: X5 Croatia
Visite 650, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  
Parole Chiave: problems,server

  • Please explain us what wright (644, 755...?) to use on your (Name of the script !) scripts for sending emails and send's confirmation email to users... Its a little buggy X5 after update to i don't know why... See the att picture of php version.
  • The antispam capatcha is also buggy after update...
  • The great aplication but i can't realize why is after every update/upload a problem with something on my server?

Postato il
Claudio N.


Please explain us what wright (644, 755...?) to use on your (Name of the script !) scripts for sending emails and send's confirmation email to users... Its a little buggy X5 after update to i don't know why... See the att picture of php version.

I've answered you here:

The antispam capatcha is also buggy after update...The great aplication but i can't realize why is after every update/upload a problem with something on my server?

What kind of issue did you encounter with captcha? We didn't receive bug reports about this feature.

Thank you!

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Postato il da Claudio N.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Thank you. Ive put the 777 and it work's.

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Postato il da X5 Croatia