Distance between the body and footer ?? 
Autore: Gorg ..
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on http://www.sekcijamladih.org/blog/ I cant remove distance between the body and footer !!? I set it to zero, but it doesent work ....?
And one more, I link level to blog, how to set that - to show into addres bar show www.sitename/level name?? And in search results to !?
Thank allot,all the best ,
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Hi Gorg,
have you insert a HTML external code in your blog or in your Articles or in the content of the site?
No, there is nothing , no external html inside ?!
What is solution to fix this !?
HI Gorg,
try to delete the social share html, or use the our share button in the option blog page.
Yes, problem is on share <<< http://www.sekcijamladih.org/blog/ <<<
How to set that my page dont be named as BLOG, I want some other name for it !?
Hi Gorg,
sorry but the Add This code is not realize by us, so try to select a different style or login in the addthis site and and usestheir code.
Its OK now, share is not problem , but my question about prename BLOG into something else is problem now, how to solve this !?
Zhanks in advance.
Hi Gorg,
if you want you can create a page with a redirect script in "http://www.sekcijamladih.org/blog/" URL.
Hi, how to do this, any tutorial for that!??
Hi Gorg,
try to search in google the guide about the redirect script and try to use in your site.
Uhh how to inplement this into WSX5 ?
Hi Gorg,
you shouldreadguidesand insert thecode into yourhtml pages,maybe someone userscan give youmore information here.
Can someone help please!?
Hi Gorg,
try to create a new post about the redirect so you can receive support of the other users.