V10 freezing on upload
Autore: Steve SamoskaToday was the first day I really did anything on V10 and revamp my whole home page links , menu bottons and contact form pretty much with some new features. I went to upload and froze on folders Ieft it up for 15 minutes. Finally I hit the back button and went back ok. Redid the process again and same thing few times.. So I tried to do a back up and froze again.. Then I tried to do a back up just html files still froze. Ended up closing threw windows process. Restared the computer and started the program and loaded site from 2 days a go? Whole day wasted anyways since I restarted it and cloded out the older back up. give a error cannot save there was a problem trying to save this project.
I am worried this might happen again has anyone else had this issue?
Steve Samoska
Hello Steve,
Try to check if it happens also with another project and it it's so then it would be useful to uninstall it and uninstall also the .NET Framework 4 and use this tool: http://cid-27e6a35d1a492af7.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Blog_Tools/dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip
And then reinstall the Framework from here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17718
Please keep me updated.
Woa! I have not touch anything yet, Seems to be find I am saving frequently now I will keep this in mind if this happens again. Thank You
Steve Samoska