Email Form 
Autore: Jaroslav S.
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Hi, I have a problem receiving email from my web (
Running under Windows 7, IIS7. It is supporting the PHP language (PHP5.xx).
I did try all the options in the Preferences on the Welcome Page of the program. E-mail form script type, but did not help.
Thank you for your help.
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Hello Jaroslav,
Have you receveid email address with strange characters or not receveid nothing? Have you imported your project file iwp of Evolution 8? You try to export all project with other domain for see if the problem depends from your provider ISP.
Hello Luca, I am not receiving to my email nothing. I imported this project from Evolution 8, but I made this form in Evolution 9, after the import. My other projects are without email forms. My web server is at my house running Windows 7, IIS7. Maybe I have to do something with the IIS7 setings? Thank you for helping me. Jaroslav
Hello Jaroslav,
Have you try to change all option of "Email form script type" and have you try to export in all three version? If the send of email is not present and you don't receive email, the problem is of Provider ISP which managesthe send email. You should use option script complete and you should in your path of installation "C:\Program Files\WebsiteX5 - v9 Evolution\Res" the file "". This file you should send your provider Isp that analyzeit for understand the problemon the web server.
Yaroslav its a problem of Version 9, its not a problem with server...when you import a project from V8 to V9 almost never work the PHP or have many problem
i use Yahoo BIZ server that NEVER give problem with PHP created by V8,but they dont work with all...
pity in incomedia they are not enough smart to recognize the problem...this happen when you dont pay a beta tester ....better say they dont do any beta test...
Hello Luca
I did try to change all option of "Email form script type" and I did export in all three version? I also contacted my Provider ISP and they say there is no port blocked for my connection.
I thing there is something wrong with setings in the Evolution 9 or IIS7. See my attechement please.
Thank you
Hello Jaroslav,
You try to update with new version beta. Look here:
In the version there is a problem ifthe projectdid notproperly setthe valueof the fieldfor the emailto use toreplyto you. Have you import the project file iwp?
The problem of send email depends from settings Web Server of your Provider, In fact, yourprovidersaysthat there isa block. The block depends from settings web server because we did three method for send email and there is the method more low levelthat sendsemails withtext only.