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Rune T.
Rune T.

PHP, mysql, database conflict?  en

Autore: Rune T.
Visite 2488, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  
Parole Chiave: mysql,problem


I recently installed Evolution 10 and uploaded files to an excisting web hotel. On the webhotel, in different catalogues I have webforums With MySQL, different PHP forms etc...

After uploading the WebsiteX5 files I prepared for my new look homepage, into the main Directory (where the index.html file is located i.e. main www-catalogue), none of the other websites worked.

All the normal .html files were fine - but none of the PHP files were readable or possible to open through web browsers.

Seems like there are no files missing or anything "wrong" in the excisiting catalogues, but still: Not possible to get access to the forum or to the PHP-forms.

Any idea what might have went wrong?

Many thanks Rune T

Postato il
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Rune,

Check that PHP is installed on your web host's server.

In some cases your ISP needs to grant you privileges to execute PHP.

You should also check that the relevant directories on the web server have appropriate read/write permissions in order to run the PHP.

Best regards...

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Postato il da Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

PS: what is the specific error message you receive when attempting to visit a web page with a .PHP extension?

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Postato il da Paul M.
Rune T.
Rune T.

Here is the error message when trying to open a catalogue containing a PHP based form:

Error 403: Forbidden<!--#if expr="$REDIRECT_URL=/\\.php[s345t]?$/" -->

Your PHP settings have been disabled by an H-Sphere administrator.

  • Your current PHP configuration: <!--#echo var="QUERY_STRING" -->
  • <!--
  • This configuration was changed: <!--#echo var="LAST_MODIFIED" -->-->
  • This configuration was changed: <!--#include virtual="403_date.txt" -->

Please bring your PHP configuration in compliance with admin settings or request your administrator to re-enable support of your settings.

You don't have permissions to access this page. This usually means one of the following:

  • this file and directory permissions make them unavailable from the Internet.
  • .htaccess contains instructions that prevent public access to this file or directory.

Please check file and directory permissions and .htaccess configuration if you are able to do this. Otherwise, request your webmaster to grant you access.

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Postato il da Rune T.
Rune T.
Rune T.

Sorry... was some extra info that was added to mye quotation from the error message. Don't know what happened.

Hope that the content gives any meaning.

Rune T

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Postato il da Rune T.
Rune T.
Rune T.

And one more question:

What do I have to concern with later uploads of Evolution 10? Will an upload affect my excisiting files always? Is there any known routines on this?


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Postato il da Rune T.
Paul M.
Paul M.

In this particular instance the error message indicates that you need to address the second and third points I referred to.

In other words:

a) enable PHP execution via your H-Sphere control panel, or have your ISP do this on behalf

b) Check that the files and folders where the PHP is located have CHMOD permissions to allow reading and writing to the same  -  again your webhost should be able to help you with this if you are unsure how to proceed, but you should be able to do this yourself via the H-Sphere control panel

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Postato il da Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

In response to your further question, uploading from X5 to your webserver will only refresh or change the files if previous versions have the same name, or if they do not exist in the first place (in other words, you create new pages)

Pages and files which you delete from your web structure within the X5 software will not necessarily be deleted on your server  -  you have to physically delete old files and folders yourself, either using the delete function on the Export to Web page, or using software such as FileZilla, etc.

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Postato il da Paul M.
Rune T.
Rune T.

Thanks for replies.

All PHP functions worked with no problem UNTIL the files from Evolution was uploaded. Thats the reason I assumed that those files might hve changed things.

I thought perhaps there was something basic info one should know and precautions one should make before uploading those files.

Seems like something on the server went bad after the file upload.

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Postato il da Rune T.