No connection to the FTP server. 
Autore: Nikita C.
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No connection to the FTP server. The program says "Unable to connect to server. Check with your Internet provider entered the connection parameters." Screenshot is, in the description, but I have the program in Russian.
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Hi Nikita,
Has this just happened? Were you able to connect successfully before? If so it could be as simple as your server being down temporarily. Can you connect using an FTP client, like FileZilla?
Other things to try:
Set the number of 'Simultaneous connections' to 3 instead of 10.
Double check your FTP username and password. If you cut and pasted your password then try entering it manually.
Make sure your firewall, antivirus and router allow FTP traffic to pass on port 21.
Try removing the 'ftp' prefix from the FTP address field, as follows... (instead of)
Some servers require you to enter a 'Destination folder' e.g. public_html - this is because you do not necessarily have permission to access folders above this, depending on how your server is set up. Check with your web host on which folder your web files need to be uploaded to.
Hope this helps!