Autore: Shahmir F.
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Dear Sir, i have faced a problem in converting a project form Ver 9 to 10 as a below : xml error (242,17) but the project is working in V9 , please advise, BR
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Hi Shahmir
for convertingyou usedtheIWZIPfile?
InWebSite X 5 Evolution9,open the project thatwantto updatego to step5and choose"exporttheproject andspecifying the destination folder.Like this you geta compressed fileformat .IWZIP boththe project fileand thelinked files. InWebSite X 5 Evolution10,in the"choice inthe project ",click on the "import" buttonand select the file.IWZIPof the project previouslyexported.At the end,the project appears inthe list ofexisting projects.Selecttheimported projectfrom the list of existing projectsand clickon the button "next" to proceed withthe opening.
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