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John Willemsen
John Willemsen

Street view and Map view  en

Autore: John Willemsen
Visite 2199, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

L. S.

After the last update, it is no longer possible to use the function, Street view and Map view simultaneously ?

Only Map view is possible !

I use Website X5 Evolution 10 version

I am waiting for your reply.


Postato il
Michele C.

Hello John,

the Map object hasn't got any update during the last updates. Remeber that the street view option works only if the specific address is mapped by google. If you cannot visualize the street view in the google maps site you cannot see it in WebSite X5 either.

Hope this helps

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Postato il da Michele C.
John Willemsen
John Willemsen


Before theupdateit was possibletosimultaneously view, Street viewand Map view.           This is no longerpossible!

So i had twowindows next to each other,andnow there is only one window usingMapview! It has nothing to do with the adress, otherwise i couldn't have used the same address before, wich i could!

I hope you can give me a solution for this problem.

Thanks in advance!

John Willemsen

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Postato il da John Willemsen
Michele C.

Hello John,

I see, but if search the address you set on it doesn't correspond to a specific address and I cannot test if this address has street view. Please provide me with the spcific address you want to show on streetview (with more infos like country name).

Thank you

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Postato il da Michele C.
John Willemsen
John Willemsen

Hello Michele

You were right,it was indeed the addresswhatwasnot right,It workswell now!

Thanks for yourtime and help.


John Willemsen  Smile


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Postato il da John Willemsen