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Adam Nolan
Adam Nolan

Text Pane / Image Pane Sizes  en

Autore: Adam Nolan
Visite 1652, Followers 2, Condiviso 0  
Parole Chiave: co,denisenolan,uk

Hi, I am still having problems that I have to work around to get half way to where I would like to be with my site I have several pictures on one side of a two column page. If the picture is large and the text in the next column is not substantial then I cannot get the balance right. I can add a further column or row yes, BUT then further down the page I am left with other inconsistencies. Can I make the column have different widths and heights? Can I specify EXACTLY how high or wide I want a particular pane? I know I could on the scrolling text pane. It is spoiling my site I feel and I would like a solution. I have added a screen grab to show where I am having problems.


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Michele C.

Hello Adam,

you can decide the width of every column: you need to drag the handle of the column of your page in step 3 or you can also right click on it to set a specific value.

Instead, the height of the columns is automatically calculated based on the content. 

Hope this helps

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Postato il da Michele C.
Adam Nolan
Adam Nolan

You must be talking about version 10, I am using 9 and this is not an option

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Postato il da Adam Nolan
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Adam,

Just to clarify, Michele is absolutely correct.  You are able to resize the width of the columns either by dragging the handle or right-clicking just as described.

You do this in the Page Layout screen in Step 3.  This applies to version 9 as well as version 10.

Kind regards,


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Postato il da Paul M.