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Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

Export Version 8, a file is saved. IWP and no. Iwpzip  en

Autore: Sumaia M.
Visite 2721, Followers 2, Condiviso 0  

I've read most of the answers to import project to Version 9, and really could not. To start when export Version 8, a file is saved. IWP and no. Iwpzip I zip the file. IWP and try to open the Version 9, the error is "an error occurred while loading the Project" does not find the file "metadata.xml" Please guide me how I should proceed. It is very important since bought Version 10, but I can not go to Version 9. Thanks in advance. Sumaia.

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Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

Please, ansers.............

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Michele C.

Hello Sumaia,

you don't have to zip the IWP file but you must import directly the iwp file generated from Evolution 8 thanks to the "Optimize and Batch to folder" function in step 5.

Hope this helps

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Postato il da Michele C.
Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

When youclick onimport,the filedoes not appear,he just wantsiwzipfiles,thenI can not opentheV9.Howshould I do?I thank you.Sumaia

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Postato il da Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

Please, ansers.............

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Postato il da Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

There is anonlineserviceso we can solvethis problemsoon.I already boughtthe V9to move to theV10,butI've tried everythingwith no solution.I've donewhat you askedseveral timesandOptimizeBatch-to folder"functioninstep5-butit does not saveasiwzip,andthereforecan notimport it.Mysiteis great,and I'm havingdificuldadades.Pleasehelp me.I thank you.Sumaia

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Postato il da Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

I bougth EVO V9, and I import V8 to V9, but I didn't import to V10.

"an error occurred while loading the Project" (caracteres invalidos no camino)

I read many answers, but my case is different. Please respond soon, I need to help.

Thanks in advance.


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Postato il da Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.
Sumaia M.

Please, ansers.............

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Postato il da Sumaia M.
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

It's not the save function that you need, but the "Export" function to get it from Version 9 to Version 10. That will create the iwzip file that Version 10 needs.

I am assuming that you were able to convert it from version 8 to version 9 successfully. Once you have it in version 9 you can go right to the Export function at the end of the program. Make sure you know where the created file is saved, so you can open it in version 10.

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Postato il da Wayne B.