Install Rss And Feed Them From Blackberry 
Autore: Megabrand! Builders
Visite 1908,
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hi, I don't understand mucht about web programing, or rss but I want to know if there's any way to feed articules & news I recive from my email or twitter to my site blog and into my rss feeder from my blackberry so others could suscribe to my and read those news. And what info should I provide for my readers add my channel to they rss reader program Because I was resarching and can not find this info, I made a news icon in the home page and linked to the blog, and wrote 2 articules but I can't understand the procedure, I't that ok? thx for any help you can give!
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WSX5 V9 automatically creates an xml feed for the blog. It is accessible on your domain at /blog/x5feed.xml.
Moreover, you can create your own xml feed from step 4 of WSX5. It will create a file called x5feed.xml in your site's main directory.
Simply type those URL in your feed reader to subscribe to them.