Bug dans programme 
Autore: Wagner A.
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En sortant de l'aperçu X5 "plante" trop souvent. En le ré ouvrant je reçois un message me disant que le projet s'est fermé incomplètement. Alain
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Salut Alain, je signale ton souci au support... Attendons donc le passage d'un technicien.
@+, J.P.
Hello Alain,
Does this happens with every project or with one?
Please try to reduce the max simultaneous processes in the Preferences of the program from 10 to 1 and then check if the same issue happens again.
Please keep me updated.
***** Google Translation:
Est-ce quecela arriveà chaqueprojet ouavecun?
S'il vous plaîtessayer de réduirelesprocessus simultanésmaxdans les Préférencesdu programmede 10 à 1, puis vérifiezsi le mêmeproblèmese reproduise.
Merci de me tenirà jour.
Thnaks Claudio for the suggestion,
I will set it to 1 and let you know what happen. (tommorow I will be out).
The problem has arrived on any project not only one.
I keep in touch with you
I tried to modify a site with the option set to 1 and I keep getting the error as showed on the attached files.
Hello Alain,
This is a windows error message and it could depend on a corrupted component of the .NET Framework which is used by the program.
Please uninstall the .NET Framework 4.0 from your computer and then use following cleanup tool to remove the remaining files:
Once the program has done reinstall the .NET Framework by downloading it from following link:
And then check also if there are any windows updated available and install them.
After doing this try to start the program again to check if the issue is still present.
Many thanks!
Will do what you say and let you know the results
I have re-installed the .NET Framework and downloaded the latest versioon of X10 but, I still have the crash with the max simultaneous processes reudeced to 1
Hello Alain,
If the error message you get is always the same I would suggest you to repair also the .NET Framework 3.5 by following these steps:
Go to Control Panel then choose Programs and Features and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
Please keep me updated.