Error 404 While Updating 
Autore: Aage H.
Visite 3328,
Followers 2,
Condiviso 33
When I try tomakeanupdate to thenewestversionofEV9, I getthe followingerror message:
"Errorduring update:404"
"It was not possibleto connect to theInternet orIncomediasserver"
"This could bea temporary problemandwerecommend that youtryagainlater"
Ihavegoodaccessto the internetbut getthis erroron bothmy computers.They runbothWindows7 andEV9is installedwith the Danish language.
I've triedto runthe updatedirectly from theprogramfolderasadministrator (isalwaysloggedon asadmin)butitdid not help.
What to do?
Kind regards
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. . . did not find this post ?
Hi Aage,
see the post linked by Pcssa, and tell us ifyou havesolved this error.
Of course I haveseentheanswer,but I do not thinkit solvesthe problem forme.
Iconnected to the Internet(otherwise I couldnot writethis post)
Ihavenot usingproxy
I have not madeconfigurationchangesonthe 2computers
I've usedEVsince Octoberwithout any problems.It is onlythis update that is causing the problem.
I can, on the other handsee, that thereare otherswith the Danish languagewhich has similarproblem. Could the language-file make the problem?
Hi Aage. I believe you are right. - I removed my danish version and hereafter I installed the english. - Then I could update without any problems.
Hi Aage,
is atemporary servererror, please try toreinstallandupdatethesoftware.
It was'nt necessary to make the reinstal. I just maked the update and therefor glad not to have to do the workaround with uninstalling and instal in another language