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Jarmila S.
Jarmila S.

Internal links - how to organize them?  en

Autore: Jarmila S.
Visite 2647, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  
Parole Chiave: internal,links


I would appreciate if someone could advise me how to organize the internal links on my website? At the moment the index page has been having 508 internal links, BUT the highest number of links 514!!!! starts with this product page:

I am utterly puzzled - how to organize it? 

Any ideas?

Thank you. Jarmila

Postato il
Claudio D.

Hello Jarmila,

Can you please explain me how do you want to organize them and how they should they appear?

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.
Jarmila S.
Jarmila S.

Hello Claudio,

Well I wish I could organize them so there are not so many links there.

When doing any SEO test it keeps saying, that I have too many links.

I have attached the page showing the highest number of links on specific products. But there are also products which have ONLY one link or just about 100 and I cannot make sense of it why there such big differencies when the links from the pages are all virtually identical. Is it how the X5 software works?

Please advise.

Kind Regards


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Postato il da Jarmila S.
Claudio D.

Hello Jarmila,

These links are in the menu present in every page. The only way to reduce them is to create hidden pages in the menu and then you add only in the page it has to appear the link, as example Fin Parfums for her you create a submenu with all products from A to C and then inside this page you add in the content the links to the pages product 1, product 2 etc. and the pages for the products must be set hidden in the menu. So the SEO will show less links in the pages and the pages will be indexed in any case because the page containing them is indexed and so these will be found.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.
Jarmila S.
Jarmila S.

Hello Claudio,

Thank you for your advise, I will try it.

Kind Regards.


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Postato il da Jarmila S.