Index.html et conversion des fichiers en v 10 
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website x5 v10 n'affiche pas la page d'accueil. il reste sur index.html et ne reprend pas toutes les pages du site en version 9. les fichiers en swf ne les reconnait pas. il faut que j'aille les chercher. Donc website v10 ne convertit pas les fichiers en version 9.merci de m'éclairer afin que je puisse passer à v 10
Postato il
export the project file .iwp with the Evolution 8, then check that you have the Internet Explorer 8 or 9 installed in the pc.
Import in the Evolution 9 and click CTRL+Preview for recreating all file.
Then you can esport and import in the Evolution 10.
Let me know.
***** Google Translation:
exporter le fichierdeprojet.GTIavec l'Evolution 8, vérifiezque vousavez l'InternetExplorer 8ou9installé sur le PC.
Importer dans laEvolution 9etcliquez surCTRL +Aperçupour recréertous les fichiers.
Ensuite, vous pouvezl'esportet à l'importationdans le10Evolution.
Faites-moi savoir.
Hello Ricardo,
Currently my website is website x5 v9.
I had 10 internet explorer on my computer. I uninstalled i.e. 10 and 9.
I currently have internet explorer 8.
I imported the backup of my site websitex5 v9 after ctrl + preview
on website x5 v10.
The result:
- I can not read the home page
- Neither the pages of my site in swf. files
Thank you for your help
verify that in the brower of the preview (Chromium) is installed the Flash player plugins.
than retry or copy the link of the preview and paste in another browser.
Let me know.
***** Google Translation:
vérifier quedans lebrowerde l'aperçu(chrome)estinstallélespluginsflashplayer.
deréessayer oucopier le liende l'aperçuetcollerdans un autre navigateur.
Faites-moi savoir.
Ricardo, please find me a solution or give me the plug in because it is tiring to find the
solution to convert website 9 to website 10. Normaly there should be an update to help us to move from 9 à to 10. I tried everthing that you advised me, but it's always the same. I put you attached a picture to explain my problem.
thank you for your help
here the picture
download thi file and copy the folder "Extensions" in the path of the installation of the WebSite X5 Evolution 10, overwrite the folder is needed.
Export the site in internet and tell me the link so i can verify.
(the "index.html" on the preview is corret, this is the index page of the site).
***** Google Translation:
thitéléchargerle fichieretcopierle dossier"Extensions"dans le cheminde l'installationde l'EvolutionWebSiteX510,remplacerle dossierest nécessaire.
Exporterle siteinternetet dites-moile lienpour que je puissevérifier.
(le"index.html"surl'aperçu estCorret, c'estla page d'indexdu site).
I downloadedyourfileextensions. Iunpacked it andI put thedirectory withtwofiles in theinstallation pathWEBSITEX5V10.
The directoryhas been replaced,but the resultis the same.
Istill can notopen the homepagewhen I runthe preview.
For informationin the"extensions"directory that I replaced in mycomputer,it was empty.
SoI replacedonlythe directory name, since there were nofiles inside.
Thank youfor your help.
the files: NPSWF32_11_5_502_110.dll, np-mswmp.dll
will be copied in installation path for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\Extensions"
If you have trouble, create the .iwzip file and send me the project so i can test it.
***** Google Translation:
les fichiers:NPSWF32_11_5_502_110.dll,np-mswmp.dll
seront copiésdans le chemind'installationpar exemple «C:\ Program Files(x86)\WebSite X5Evolution-v10\ Extensions"
Sivous avez des problèmes,créer le fichier deiwzip.Etme faire parvenirleprojetafin que je puissele tester.
I havecopiedthe files to"C:\ ProgramFiles (x86) \v10WebSite X5-Evolution\ Extensions
Please see the attachedphoto
I still can not open the home page when I run the preview.
I reducedmy projecttothe home page+3 pages to send you it butthisis not possibleby this means. The max enclosed is 1024 kb
the file is86mo.
how can Isend you theproject ?
you can send an email to:
write in object "post 80900 for Riccardo P."
let me know.
***** Google Translation:
vous pouvezenvoyer un email à
écriredans l'objet«post80900pourRiccardoP."
laissez-moi savoir.
hello Riccardo,
i sent you it yesterday with in object : " post 80900 for riccardo P "
to :
thanks for your answer
i analyze your project, you have insert a wrong code, please remove it.
You need to go in "step 1", general setting, click on the tab "expert" and remove the code in "Verification metatag for Google WebMaster Central".
Then click on the preview.
Hope this help.
***** Google Translation:
ianalyser votreprojet, vous devezinsérerun code erroné, s'il vous plaîtenlever.
Vous devez allerdans"étape1", le réglagegénéral,cliquez sur l'onglet"expert"etsupprimer le codedans"balise METAde vérificationpourGoogleWebmaster Central".
Ensuite, cliquez surl'aperçu.
J'espère que celaaide.
thank you very muchRiccardo.
You found myproblem.
it works