Re-apply Page Creation settings to other pages 
Autore: W. L.
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How can I save a Page Creation setup and be able to re-apply it to other pages within a project? I.e. create multiple pages with the same layout, without having to manually create the layout for each page.
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You can copy the layout from the page in page 3 (page creation)
create an object, set the layout with celstyle and press ok when your done.
now use right mouse button goto cellstyle and select copy.
create another object do right mouse button use cell style and select past.
Andre E - thanks. However, this only allows me to copy & paste an object. I cannot save it for future use (next week, next month).
Unfortunately your response does not provide an answer to my question: how to save and be able to re-apply a complete page layout (#rows, #columns, layout and definition of all objects, etc) to new pages. Such that I am able to create a new page at any given time with the exact same layout, look and feel as previous pages. All that is needed is the content. This is what I am looking for.
OK, Is the content also the same ? Or is tihs different ? There are a lot of tricks and a lot is possible but not everything .... so it depends.
But a whole page is also possible. Create a page like you wish. set it as hidden in your sitemap (page2)
If you want a copy just go to page 2 sitemap. use right mouse button, copy, and paste it where you want it, rename the page and uhide.
You could also make a project with a lot of pages you want to copy.
Without using this for internet, just name it page examples or whatever you wish.....
You can open x10 twice. Then copy the page you wish to the project you want to upload. In that case hiding is offcource not necessary.....
Hope this helps you better, if not let me know !
Andre E - to my knowledge, setting a page as hidden only makes it disappear in the menu. But that page is still actually created and has its own url. That is not what I want.
What I want is to be able to add a page at any given time, either with a completely different layout (manually), or with the same layout as certain other pages already created for that website. Similar to a wordpress blog, where adding a new post gets the same layout and format as all other posts.And I only want the pages appear on my live site that are intended to show up.
I don't think this is possible with what you said above, hidden nor a lot of predefined pages. Or am I mistaken?
No it's not possible the way you want it or as in wordpress. But you can as I suggested create a new project wich you then can only use for storing pages.
This is a workaround, but it will do the job.
Open 2 times x5 and copy the pages you wish to use to the project for saving page layouts in the sitemap page.
This way you can open them, select the one you want and use it. And they are not hidden or used on internet this way.
But I agree it's not ideal. But it does what you want store templates of pages to be reused without having them to create again. You could even use the levels for seperating websites.
Hope this helps at least a little bit.