Techdyn Engineering 
Autore: Nicola B.
Followers 2,
Condiviso 0
Professionisti - studi e consulenze
Techdyn Engineering - engineering services

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Nice site congratulations!
My 5 star rating!
5 star website, is it possible I could get template for this site
Отличный сайт.
Ты сам професиональный вебдизайнер или любитель ?
Nice site ;-) Con gratulation! (the translater is not work in my firefox ;-()
Hi Nicola, congrats and 5 stars for this fantastic site!
Still wondering how you realized that "triangle-animation" that interacts with the mouse pointer.
Is this a motion effect from X5 Pro? Would you pls share where you found this tool?
Thx J
Complimenti! Come hai ottenuto l'effetto dei disegni che si spostano nell'header? è un'applicazione?