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Autore: Arnaud L.
Visite 1237,
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j'en profite peux tu m'expliquer ce qui veux dire ce message d'erreur sur la même page....
merci d'avance
Postato il
if you set up to save data/post inside a file, then you need to create that file inside your host and make sure it has 777 permission.
when you create that file then right click on it and choose permission option.
(this proccess is all being done inside your host and not in x5)
if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.
Good Luck (new) (coming soon)(Sign up)
Hello Arnaud,
Please try to update your program to the lastest release and then export the complete project online.
If you have difficulties to update it you can download the updated installer from your profile under the section "downloads".
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
S'il vous plaît essayerde mettre à jourvotre programme pourla libérationgarde et d'exporter ensuitele projet completen ligne.
Sivous avez des difficultésàla mettre à jour, vous pouvez téléchargerle programme d'installationde mise à jourdevotre profil deanswers.websitex5.comsousla section "Téléchargements".
Merci beaucoup!