PAGE WIDTH variations 
Autore: Nigel W.
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I am thinking of revamping my website, and I want to ask if you can give me advice on widening my pages, please?
What is the maximum width of a page that will reveal properly across most visitors' browsers?
ALSO...if the width is increased, does this mean that more columns of cells can be added?
Just a few tips would be appreciated.
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Hi Nigel, when you choose the model of your site, click to modify it; in the next page click to the heading sector to activate the box below on the left, than modify the width according your needs; obviously increasing the width you have more space to fill out.
Hopefull to helped you,
Hi Gabriele...
I am wanting Incomedia advice on wider page widths and the limits one should be aware of.
With respect, I know how to make different widths as you describe.
Hello Nigel,
I would suggest to not exceed 1280 px of width since there are a few user who could use as resolution 1024px and for the most 1280px will be seen perfectly otherwise the other uses needs to scroll the website horizontally.
About the cells you will have more space in case you use 1280px since your current project is 990px. This means you have around 300px more which allows you easily to add a fortuner column with content.
You can add also more but then these will be thinner and the most content will be reduced to fit in this space.
Many thanks!
Thanks Claudio...
I will take this on board.
What is a "fortuner column with content" ?
Hello Nigel,
sorry for the typing error I meant a further column with content.
Many thanks!
No worries. My Italian is limited to the word "spaghetti"! Lol!
Ah...good idea!
Can that secondary column be part of a template so that it appears on ALL pages (as well as the horizontal one?
Hello Nigel,
Yes you can then add this column to every page since you are going to increase the page width and there will be space enough.
Take in consideration how much space you will gain from increasing the width and then give to this horizontal column the same width in step 3 with the sliders below the grid layout so the other elements will keep the same size.
You can do this on every page so the style remains the same for the existing objects.
Many thanks!
Right...thanks Claudio...I will explore this.
Hi Claudio...
If I increase the page width to 1280 pixels, I am still not sure how I would pull the whole page content over to the left or right to release a column of space to use for other objects so that everything retains the 990 pixel proportion and I am able to add equally widthed new columns.
In fact I find it all very confusing.
Remembering that I have many pages on my project is there not a quick way of constraining the 990 pixel width of a page (i.e. the filled in content objects) so that I am left with a blank column at the beginning/end of the page when/if I convert the project to 1280 pixels?
Perhaps I need a tutorial?
Best wishes,
Hello Nigel,
You need to choose where to add the further column and then select the column before if you use the option to add the column after the selected one. You will need to sue the add a column button and from the dropdown menu you need to choose or before of after the selected column according to your need
Once added you need to use the sliders below this column to set it to use the remaining space only which is 290 px in this case.
No by changing the width all pages content will be extended over the new width and you need to add the new column manually on all of them.
Many thanks!
I don't think I will do this...too tedious.
Perhaps I should point out that I have always created the maximum number of columns allowed on a page, before I have added content.
I have never really been sure how to use these page constructions properly and efficiently.
I think that one of my reasons is that Google Ads have specific sizes and by making maximum columns I can place them more neatly.
I am now wondering if I should decrease the number of columns on each page and if this will affect my layouts?
This whole difficulty is probably because I am not a programmer only a fairly good user and so I do not have the correct concepts in my mind's eye before I begin.
Maybe this is where the intuitive part of Website5 starts to conflict with the reality of basic universal laws?
Best wishes.
Hello Nigel,
if reducing the number of columns will affect the layout needs to be tested directly in the project to see what happens.
I think your layout could work perfectly with 6 or maximum 8 columns. On pages where you have less content as example on you can use directly only 4 columns.
You need to plan the pages according to the content you want to show and then add the necessary numbers of columns.
This will help you to plan the pages better so in case you want to add a further content or increase the width of the pages you can then keep the size of the content already present and add a new column which uses exactly the new available space.
Many thanks!
Good idea Claudio.
I converted my site to "1280" pixels by mistake the other day, when I was experimenting with a test project. Lol!
It looks quite good, however, and I've added extra menu items subsequently.
I can see more clearly now how the layouts are affected.
I probably need to jazz the whole site up with a new super looking template or design as well.
(I dread to think how this massive project will fit into a future upgrades but I guess that the new ".iwzip" process will run through future!)
Best wishes,
I've re=designed my Home Page using as much built in method as I could with the extra width.
Your comments and criticism, please.
Hello Nigel,
The extra width seems to be used well on the website.
What I would suggest is to use a bigger font size only for the mobile devices since with the width of it when viewed it will appear small and it will be necessary to zoom it to read it better.
Many thanks!
Do you mean just for my Home Page?
Is there an easy way to increase font size throughout the project all at once?
Are you implying that there is a formula JUST for mobile viewing somewhere that I should adjust?
Hello Nigel,
It would be better on the homepage since the text occupies less space and can appear small. On the other pages it is ok already like it is.
No the font size cannot be changed automatically on all pages since every object has different settings and then you would need to check them in any case to see if it fits.
For the mobile viewing a bigger font helps to read the website easier. Since your homepage has more columns the font can appear smaller when viewed on these devices and increasing it helps the viewer to read the content easier.
This is just a suggestion on how to improve the navigation from mobile devices. The project itself can be viewed perfectly already like it is.
Many thanks!
Great Stuff!
Thank you Claudio,