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A. Remus
A. Remus

Issues in uploading the website  en

Autore: A. Remus
Visite 1672, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  

Hello. I have a big problem and ... to be honest i do not know what is happening. Afther upload some pages are missing from menu. That i noticed is happening only afther last update of application.

Normaly look how website it look (in the app preview)

Now from the server was cleared all files

and i test the website

i cleared cache etc etc from chrome and i uploaded the website

Done. Let's see the result ...

Ok maybe is something with my chrome browser ... Ok et's open another one ... Opera for example ...

Let's try Firefox ...

i tryed to move the position for missing file, and repeat all the drill

Nothing was changed except empty spot position.

I do it like i do it 1.000.000 times before .... I have issues with another files too but afther uploading and reuploading some was fixed.

In a desperate meassure i was uploaded website to another server. same result.

Here a schematics of the website

   Feel free to test yourself. I let the website uploaded because i am so pissed right now ... i can't say in words

Postato il
Claudio D.

Hello A. Remus,

I tested your website and the contact menu is correctly visible like you can see in the image in attachment.

Try to check if your browser has any plugin installed which could block the loading or if try to delete the browser cache to load the page then again.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.
A. Remus
A. Remus


Yes i know . Afther i send-it the message i was tryed 4 times more and it workt. I have plugins but i assure you is not that fault. 

For sure i always clear cache before refresh, i do that for a loong time and i know that. More of that like i said before that issue was present on webbrowsers opera firefox even i never ever opened the website with them untill that day.


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Postato il da A. Remus
Claudio D.

Hello A. Remus,

Probably the file was not uploaded correctly or it took a while until it appeared.

Try to make full exports and check there is no error when exporting the project online.

Many thanks!

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Postato il da Claudio D.