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Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

New Pages not listed in Drop Down or New Page menu  en

Autor: Robert Shroyer
Visitado 2928, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 0  

During the resolution of another issue, I stumbeld onto a problem in X5-11 latest version. This problem did not exist before I updated this past week. I am listing this as a separate issue becaue my original Calendar question was resolved.

I hgave created new pages and they are supposed to be included in the drop down menu according to my structure. They appear correctly on my PC as I am editing them in X5. After uploading to the server, however, these pages do not appear UNTIL I click on another page within that drop down menu or within the Page Menu. They they apear and they work. If I leave the program and return, they are not there again. I have to press on another page in the drop down on page menu and then they appear.

I have cleared my cache and have tested this on multiple PCs and my phone. Each device has the same problem. Therefore, the problem is within X5, I believe.

I need advice as to how to solve this or the company needs to check out the latest upgrade on Ver 11 Pro.

I can send a link for the site that demonstrates this issue.



Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

Normally after update and revisit you always need to use ctrl-F5 to see changes that you have made.

It should then show all pages and entrys as it was last uploaded.

Can you give us a website or some pictures ? If this does not resolve you problem ?

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Publicado em de Andre E
Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

Thanks Andre. I don't understand why users would have to hit F5 when they visit my site toi see all of my pages. But here, look at this issues. Please visit

Look at the image I have attached to explain the probloem of items not appearing initially on my site and then they do once another page is displayed. Very strange.

I can see everything while editing within X5 but cannot after uploading unless I do what I describe in the attachment.

Please see if you can help on this.

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Publicado em de Robert Shroyer
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . why you did not make the updates of x5 ? You are using "X5 Professional" instead of " WebSite X5 Professional Version " (or higher when using the BETA channel)


when entering you page --> seems OK

after passing through support -->

in misc items is changing the menu . . . (see attachment)

and whe then trying to go to HOME -->

look what are your landing page ! ! ! What did you change manually ? ? ?

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Publicado em de Pcssa .
Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

Thanks (I think). I do not understand what you are referring to. I received a message when logging into my X5 app that there was an upgrade available. I accepted it as I have for years. Did I accidentally install an upgrade that I should not have? How could that happen?

I don't understand "what did I change manually?" I simply used the X5 software to design my site as I always have. What could I have done wrong? What should I do now to fix this glitch? Should I reinstall the Pro 11 software? Will that fix my site? Should I move these pages temporarily to another pulldown and then recreate the pull down menu?

Incomedia should not be sending me invitations to install upgrades that are not compatible with my version. Don't you agree? I do not go searching for incompatible upgrades, I can assure you. Upgrades are automatically delivered to me.

Now I do use the software on 2 systems as permitted by the license. Could it be that I made changes on one machine and the other machine was not upgraded yet and could that cause this problem?

The support link you refer to is a 3rd party support service that I use to help my customers with. I simply have link on my site to that supprt service. What is that even an issue here?

I am sorry but I am still at a loss as to why the software is doing what it is doing. It works on my PC and these pages in question are on the server, but the server version does not work correctly. Should I delete everything on the server and upload the site again?



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Publicado em de Robert Shroyer
Andre E
Andre E

Thanks Bob, the picture and link helps a lot.

What Pccsa is saying is that the page you are on when you don't see your menu is, that this page if you look at the data is made on: zondag 16 november 2014 6:12:48 with: Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional

So the conclusion is that this page was not updated when you updated your webserver.

Other pages are from zaterdag 4 april 2015 19:17:23 and made with website Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional

You could do a full upload of your project and see if this helps, if not then clearing your webserver (check that it is empty) and the do a full upload.

Hope this helps.

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Publicado em de Andre E
Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

Ok, I have done two things, I did a full upload to the server. That did nit heko. Then I erased the site from the server and uploaded the website, that did not help. So the question is why would the software retain both versions of this page (11/6/14 and 4/9/15). Why does the more recent page show up once you click on one of the drop down menu items? Don't you think this is odd and very unusual? Is there a way to delete the older page? It is like a page from the Twilight Zone. It appears then it disappears only to re-appear when you enter the site again. The correct page always comes up when using X5 on the PC. But on the server, the older page comes up. Keep in mind I purged all of the data on the server so this Twilight zone page is resident in the website itself. It is not a relict of an older install on the server.

It probably ocurred when I updated the website from 2 different machines that I own and one of these had an older revision of X5 on it. Still, this should be updated when another upload occurs. Why is this page not being updated. The fact is that it is but for some reason remains in the website X5 data files in 2 different versions.

I think we need to escalate to Incomedia, don't you agree?



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Publicado em de Robert Shroyer
Andre E
Andre E

Did you check if all links mentioned where gone (use F5) ?

Did you after update also cleared cache from pc with F5 ? Else it will use data from cache from your pc cause you visited just very short time before that the website and your browser does not expect updates this fast. So in order to save time and speed it takes data from cash from your pc. This is a browser decision and has nothing to do with X5.

I can't acces the first link you gave in this post, So to me it looks solved, i will check later more accurate cause I don't have much time at this moment.

BR André

PS Yes If we don't get it solved I can ask Incomedia to check but lets see if I have more time later on if I can help you further.

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Publicado em de Andre E
Andre E
Andre E


Checked more accurate, I saw the page as well cause it was in my cash from pc. I did a refresh with F5 and page was not available anymore ! So visitors can't land on it anymore.

Your site should be ok now !

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Publicado em de Andre E
Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

Andre - did you change the index.html file to index.jsp? I just soent an hour tryoing to figure out what went wrong with my site becasseu I could not get it, Then I saw that the index file name had changed. Incomedia had ftp access rights to my site and I would like to know if someone there changed my file name?

But now I see that the problem went away when I went back to renaming the index file as an html file.

The only thing I had done prior to this was install the Calendar function and a few  other apps that I purchased from Incomedia. Could these have changed the index file?

Well, at least the problem has been resolved.



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Publicado em de Robert Shroyer
Andre E
Andre E


First of all, I am not from Incomedia. I am a user just like you.

And No Incomedia does not have acces to your ftp / website. Even if you set password in X5 it is only used to upload files.

So I could not change it and Incomedia also not. I think it''s a cash issue. Like I mentioned earlyer.

Your Index file name does not change by it self, you can set it in X5 yourself but that is it.

Anyway it's solved, keep x5 updated and see that you always use the latest project if you work from another loacation / pc.

It's always a good idea, especially if you change your menu, to clear your website from time to time (ones a year or so). Cause X5 will never remove files unless you do this yourself by hand.

So older filer and pages that you have removed will stay on your server. There will offcource not be a link to it so it will do  no harm and search robots from google will not index it anymore. But if you have on your pc a direct link to that page it will continue to work like it did in your case.

Hope this helps to sort it all out.

Best Regards André

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Publicado em de Andre E
Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

Thanks Andre. Incomedia did have ftp access from an earlier event in which I gave them their own password. I have since deleted that access. So I don't know who changed my file from index.html to index.jsp. I certainly did not knowingly do it. I still have some menues that are linking to that .jsp file within the site which I need to address.

The only thing I can think of is the latest Apps that Incomedia was promoting, and which I bought, I believe were .jsp files. Could installing those files have fdlipped my index file from html to jsp?

The other thing I must remember is not to broadcast within this system my website or problem with too much detail. I should have switched over to a private discussion at some point.

Thanks for your help and I am sure we will run into one another again.


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Publicado em de Robert Shroyer
Claudio D.

Hello Robert,

there is no app at the moment which uses .jsp page extension but all if they need a different extension they use .php only.

We do not change the page extension of the projects. Also if you wrote us in the past the ftp data we do not use them after the issue for which you provided these data has been resolved.

If you sohuld encounter again the same issue please inform us so we can verify what is happening.

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.