Credit Card Snippet not working 
Autor: Alan M.
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The html code snippet when pasted does not read the shopping cart it only allows a 10$ payment. There is no other place to put another protocol.
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I have since been in touch with E way (the gateway provider) and it appears that although you accept the snippet it is not coded backstage to read the cart.
Hello Alan,
Unfortunately we do not provide support for custom HTML code like payments system. For the price issue try to add in the custom HTML code in the field for the price the variable [PRICE] and then try it again. The program will replate [PRICE] with the cart price to pay automatically.
Many thanks!
data-currency="AUD" >
This results in the total reading two decimal points out i.e item + freight = $69.00, checkout now reads $0.69. Fix?
Hello Alan,
Try to replace [PRICE] with:
[PRICE, 100, [C]#,###.@@]
Once done test it again to see if the price appears correctly.
Many thanks!
Sadly no. all we get is
Hello Alan,
Try in this case:
[PRICE, 100, #,###.@@[C]]
[PRICE, 100, #,###.@@]
to see with which one the price is again displayed.
In case it appears, 100 is the multiplier and you can change the value to adapt it to the custom code you use. The next section is the format of the price.
Many thanks!
No, nada, nyet, rien. Tried every combination now.
All the major free shopping carts accept the API protocols without these problems. I have other sites and downloads for the appropriate method are readily available only requiring the API key insert and away we go.. I find it puzzling that a product marketed as "professional" should have a problem emulating the free ones and restrict the "in the box" payment gateways.
Any idea when this will be fixed?
Hello Alan,
With [PRICE] it was appearing but then it didn't so it is necessary to identify the setting accepted by the payment system you are using.
In [PRICE, 100, #,###.@@] you will need to alter the parameters to adapt them to the ones the payment system uses:
PRICE is to show the final price
100 is the multiplier. You can change it according to the needs of the used
#,###.@@ is the layout of the price where # are thenumber after the decimals and @ are the decimal numbers
Ask them how exactly the price value has too look like as format and then adapt the code to it so then it will work.
Many thanks!