Non responsive menu in mobile/tablet responsive mode 
Autor: Colin A.
Visitado 2917,
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Using responsive on my site, when in preview all the menu buttons (1st, 4th, 5th & 6th) that link direct to a page work fine, but the 2nd & 3rd buttons are supposed to lead to sub menues but they don't activate.
I can't make the site live for that reason, so if you need it I will send you the exported project. This is a converted v11 site.
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You are always welcome to send the project. But you could also upload it into a 'test' folder. and link the webadres to that folder here. This is also usefull and gives more members here in answers the opportunity to help you out.
Br A
Hallo Andre,
ik vrees dat ik het zelfde probleem heb met Evolution 12.
Alleen heb ik geen website uit versie 11 geupdate maar ben bezig om een nieuwe te bouwen.
Zie post:
Hoop dat je hier even naar wilt kijken.
Groetjes Gerard
The problem with the menu is known and the solution is in beta test, if tests are stable the updates will become available and then the problem should be solved.
Please wait for the next update.
Thanks !
Hi Andre, Waiting is going to be a pain, as the site is all ready to go live apart from that fault, lucky I still have the old V11 one live.
Not sure what you mean by uploading to a test folder, more details please ;-)
Just come on another symptom, when I go to select a menu item more than one level down the sub-menu won't stay to long enough to click on.
Coming Events -> 2015 & 2016 OK next level will come on but disappear before it can be clicked on :-(
Looks to me that there are two symptoms for the same problem?
I think it's the same problem but can't be sure.
Yes waiting is terrible, specially if your in need of the update, unfortunatly I can't help there just be patient, you have made yourself a workaround, so the only thing I can ask is patience, sorry ....
Your test folder question, if you create a folder on your webhost called "test" or something like that. You can upload your site then in that folder. The folder can be reached by entering your normal website adres and add then /test to it. (if added in the root of your webhost)
If nobody knows this folder name / adres then customers don't get there and we can view the data.
I would suggest to remove the complete folder as soon as it is not necessary anymore because if a search bot picks it up somehow it will start to get it in search indexes, but normally this does not go that fast and your own site will be a lot higher in ranking so don't worry about that too much, just don't leave it longer then needed.
For now I would first wait on the update, then test, if it's still not good you can always use the test folder option.
I really hope the update comes fast but I have no clue and it this depends -as already stated- on testing and stability of the beta software-
I have now been able to upload a v12 test for you to see. Go to
Basically menu buttons with direct links work, and buttons leading to sub menus don't work.
I have converted another site with the same menu structure:, but that seems to work fine.
Please find a solution I need to publish the eeevents site with responsive pages.
If I understand correctly, is the site that does not work updated from v11, and the one that works made brand new in v12 ?
Some tricks to try :
export your project of the project that does not work. import it back again in x5.
Then press ctrl with the preview button, this takes preview a little longer.
check if preview works (I hope so), then upload and see if works online as well.
Let me know ....
BR André
Hi Andre, Good answer, di what you suggested and now seems to work fine, Thanks a lot.
For your information, both sites were converted v11 sites, so why one worked and the other didn't is a mystery.