WebSite X5Help Center

Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.

Responsive website problem  en

Autor: Malcolm H.
Visitado 875, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

The home page on my website does not convert to a responsive view on a mobile 'phone. Is there a soultion please

Publicado em
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Malcolm,

Did you at any point use an 'Entry Page' (Step 4 of WebSite X5) in your project?

Kind regards,


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Publicado em de Paul M.
Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.

Thanks Paul.

I have not used 'Entry Page'. I am not familiar with this. If that could be a solution please do let me have a note if possible on how to go about this.

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Publicado em de Malcolm H.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Could you please delete the following file from your server:


You can do this in Step 5 of WebSite X5 by highlighting the index.html file and using the 'Delete' button in the toolbar which shows above the directory listing...  it's an icon of a red cross.

Then hold down the 'CTRL' key and enter the Preview mode in WebSite X5.  Allow the preview to fully build to completion by monitoring the progress bar in the bottom right of your screen.

Once down, export your project to the server afresh in Step 5, but be sure to select the option to export ALL project files, and not just those recently modified.

Then clear your browser cache and test that the home page is now responsive.

Let us know if you need further help.

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.

Many thanks Paul.

That sounds promising - will try later this week.

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Publicado em de Malcolm H.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Malcolm,

I see the issue is now resolved...  can you confirm that this thread may now be closed?

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.


Please don't close just yet - I have only just followed the steps above.

It seems to work - except - the Banner does not appear on the home page - or any other pages - when accessed by a mobile.

The Banner is fine on a Destop.

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Publicado em de Malcolm H.
Paul M.
Paul M.

The responsive viewports use a separate header which you need to define in Step 1 General Settings > Template Style > Responsive Template Structure...  select 'Header'from the 'Page Section' drop-down menu.

You can find more information in the WebSite X5 help file:

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Publicado em de Paul M.
Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.

Paul - Many thanks for the info. Will try next week.

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Publicado em de Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.
Malcolm H.


Sorry for the delay in getting round to fixing in line with your answers. Success. Many thanks for all your help.

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Publicado em de Malcolm H.