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Petr F.
Petr F.

Incorrect sender orders.  en

Autor: Petr F.
Visitado 1866, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 0  

I point out the errors which had already WebSiteX5 Evolution version 10, 11, 12 and now 13th
The customer fills out and submits the order. It is delivered by e-mail. Address of the sender and recipient are identical. That is the mistake. After each update corrects file x5engine.php:

You must copy the text portion of the line in 1519 (image "WSx5_x5engine.php_ERROR.jpg")
in a row in 1508, replacing the original text (image "WSx5_x5engine.php_OK.jpg")

Can you fix it?
Petr Falek

Publicado em
Claudio D.

Hello Petr F.,

The developers will take your suggestion in consideration for the future releases. At the moment, like also in the older versions, it is set to send the orders made on the website with the email you have set to receive them.

Many thanks1

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Petr F.
Petr F.

Hello Claudio D.

The fix is simple. It can be prepared for the next update. I do not know if you understand - I can not English. Let me explain again.
In Annex I send pictures where customer orders goods (WS_01.jpg and WS_02.jpg). Sends objenávku BT04 (WS_03.jpg). The message you get can not be sent back. Missing customer's address (WS_04.jpg). The customer gets the message - everything is OK (WS_05.jpg). Now I edit the file x5engine.php. New order TZ64. The report, which I get sent back. Customer address is correct (WS_06.jpg). The customer gets the message - everything is OK (WS_07.jpg).

Thank you for your understanding, Petr Falek


Oprava je jednoduchá. Může být připravena pro nejbližší Update. Nevím jestli si rozumíme - neumím anglicky. Vysvětlím znovu.
V příloze posílám obrázky kde zákazník objedná zboží (WS_01.jpg a WS_02.jpg). Odešle objenávku BT04 (WS_03.jpg).
Zpráva, kterou dostanu nelze odeslat zpět. Chybí adresa zákazníka (WS_04.jpg). Zákazník dostane zprávu - vše je OK (WS_05.jpg). Nyní edituji soubor x5engine.php. Nová objednávka TZ64. Zpráva, kterou dostanu mohu odeslat zpět. Adresa zákazníka je správně (WS_06.jpg). Zákazník dostane zprávu - vše je OK (WS_07.jpg).

Děkuji za pochopení, Petr Falek

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Publicado em de Petr F.