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Kolo K.
Kolo K.

A general right to left (rtl) direction  en

Autor: Kolo K.
Visitado 1841, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

dear sir or madam

I have used x5 for more than 4 years from ver 10 to ver 13 (the last version).

x5 is the best website designer I ever seen, but the right to left writen langueges seems to be neglected in x5.

for example Hebrew, Arabic, Persion, Ordo and .... all are right to left written languages. 

In these languages, all orders are from right to left: menue direction, typing direcion, tabs direction, ect. 

So it would be very very useful and practical for us, if x5 add a general right to left option in template srtucture planning. It will help us (right to lefters) very much. I have read lots of comments in x5 help center that are complaining about this problem and no real helpful guide could be delivered to them. 

thank you

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