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Anna Marmlind
Anna Marmlind

When I scroll my menu buttons disappears and only mobilebuttons is available  en

Autor: Anna Marmlind
Visitado 1902, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

After I convert my website to version 13 (proffessional) my menu buttons disappears and only mobilebuttons is available. Not from start but when I try to scroll the site.

I dont have any problem with my published website URL version 12 Evolution.

I will be great if anyone can help me, I want to use my new version.

Picture 1 before i scroll (You can se the meny table)

Picture 2 I have scroll down.... :-(



Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

Is this preview or online? Do you have an webadres?

try if preview, a new preview with ctrl button pressed.

if online do a fulle upload, chack with browser first use F5 in browser.

If it does not help try to make the menu a little smaller. This happens if the items in the menu do not fit the content that has set in the template. But I have not seen it for the scrolldown strangely.....

Hope this helps a bit.

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Publicado em de Andre E
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Anna, make the menu smaller as Andre indicated, but you may wish to temporarily remove the company logo under template customisation page scroll options. My experience is that if the full width required by the menu+width of company logo is greater than the width of the page contents at desktop resolution, then the result is always the toaster menu.

You may be able to achieve the shrinkage by reducing the button width and space between buttons a little.

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Publicado em de Esahc ..